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gosocks is a golang based implementation of a socks5 server which supports custom handlers


Basic golang implementation of a socks5 proxy. This implementation is currently not feature complete and only supports the CONNECT command and no authentication.

This implemention also defines some handlers you can use to implement your own protocol behind this proxy server. This can be useful if you come a across a protocol that can be abused for proxy functionality and build a socks5 proxy around it.

The SOCKS protocol is defined in rfc1928



Handler Interface

type ProxyHandler interface {
	PreHandler(Request) (io.ReadWriteCloser, *Error)
	CopyFromClientToRemote(context.Context, io.ReadCloser, io.WriteCloser) error
	CopyFromRemoteToClient(context.Context, io.ReadCloser, io.WriteCloser) error
	Cleanup() error
	Refresh(ctx context.Context)


PreHandler is called before the copy operations and it should return a connection to the target that is ready to receive data.


CopyFromClientToRemote is the method that handles the data copy from the client (you) to the remote connection. You can see the DefaultHandler for a sample implementation.


CopyFromRemoteToClient is the method that handles the data copy from the remote connection to the client (you). You can see the DefaultHandler for a sample implementation.


Cleanup is called after the request finishes or errors out. It is used to clean up any connections in your custom implementation.


Refresh is called in a seperate goroutine and should loop forever to do refreshes of the connection if needed. The passed in context is cancelled after the request so be sure to check on the Done event.


Default Usage

package main

import (

	socks "github.com/firefart/gosocks"

func main() {
	handler := socks.DefaultHandler{
		Timeout: 1*time.Second,
	listen := ""
	p := socks.Proxy{
		ServerAddr:   listen,
		Proxyhandler: handler,
		Timeout:      1*time.Second,
		Log:          logrus.New(),
	p.Log.Infof("starting SOCKS server on %s", listen)
	if err := p.Start(); err != nil {

Usage with custom handlers

package main

import (

	socks "github.com/firefart/gosocks"

func main() {
	log := logrus.New()
	handler := MyCustomHandler{
		Timeout: 1*time.Second,
		PropA:  "A",
		PropB:  "B",
		Log:    log,
	p := socks.Proxy{
		ServerAddr:   "",
		Proxyhandler: handler,
		Timeout:      1*time.Second,
		Log:          log,
	log.Infof("starting SOCKS server on %s", listen)
	if err := p.Start(); err != nil {

type MyCustomHandler struct {
	Timeout time.Duration,
	PropA   string,
	PropB   string,
	Log     Logger,

func (s *MyCustomHandler) PreHandler(request socks.Request) (io.ReadWriteCloser, *socks.Error) {
	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", s.Server, s.Timeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, &socks.SocksError{Reason: socks.RequestReplyHostUnreachable, Err: fmt.Errorf("error on connecting to server: %w", err)}
	return conn, nil

func (s *MyCustomHandler) Refresh(ctx context.Context) {
	tick := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
	case <-tick.C:
		s.Log.Debug("refreshing connection")

func (s *MyCustomHandler) CopyFromRemoteToClient(remote io.ReadCloser, client io.WriteCloser) error {
	i, err := io.Copy(client, remote)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.Log.Debugf("wrote %d bytes to client", i)
	return nil

func (s *MyCustomHandler) CopyFromClientToRemote(client io.ReadCloser, remote io.WriteCloser) error {
	i, err := io.Copy(remote, client)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.Log.Debugf("wrote %d bytes to remote", i)
	return nil

func (s *MyCustomHandler) Cleanup() error {
	return nil