If an armature animation has no children in blender, it won't be exported as an actor. Testcase: [ArmatureTest.tar.gz](
## Description The property definition for DirectGUI elements is a very flexible and easy to use system though there are things that should be enhanced. Those points are most problematic...
## Description Introducing a system that enable DirectGUI to be used with all input methods provided by Panda3D, not only the mouse and (in some cases like text entries) keyboard....
## Description At the moment DirectGUI is created via a code only setup. While it is not that hard for a developer to create GUIs in such a way, it...
## Description Some properties of DirectGUI widgets are not always returning sane defaults or expected results Problematic properties are: |Property|Problem| |-|-| | frameSize | If not explicitly defined it will...
## Description The alpha value of the color of the center lines in the DirectGrid is set to 0. This lets the lines disappear if the grid is parented to...
## Description If a GUI widget has set its size via `item["frameSize"]`, the `item.bounds` variable will return the as expected correct size - the same as set via frameSize. If...
## Description It would be nice to enable navit to be used in [Android Auto]( So one isn't forced to use google maps or Waze. ## information Here are some...
## Description If a DirectEntry or DirectEntryScroll is rotated, the scissor effect that clips the overflowing text or entry is not rotated with the entry. You can see the entry...
New context menu entries for open externally and open containing folder New functions to open the selected context or the folder it is contained in respectively Enable the new context...