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A Splunk Add-on for JIRA
Add-on for JIRA
This is a Splunk Add-on for JIRA.
I am no longer maintaining this app. The version in this repository is older than the newest version available at http://apps.splunk.com/app/1438/. Any bug reports or support requests should probably be made on answers.splunk.com.
jirarest (REST API)
| jirarest MODE OPTIONS
List favorite filters of the configured user
| jirarest filters
Run a specific filter and return Issues
| jirarest issues FILTER_ID
Run a JQL search and return Issues.
| jirarest jqlsearch JQL_QUERY
Run a JQL search and return the all Changes for all matching Issues.
| jirarest changelog JQL_QUERY
List rapidboards or sprints (Greenhopper REST API)
| jirarest rapidboards list|all|(RAPIDBOARD_ID [detail sprints|issues])
- list will list all scrum boards.
- all will list all sprints in all scrum boards.
- RAPIDBOARD_ID will list all sprints in one specific scrum board.
- "detail sprints" gives details on the active sprints in the rapidboard.
- "detail issues" gives details on the active issues in active sprints including swimlanes and groupings.
- Hint: to get issues in a sprint use jqlquery "sprint=sprint_id" after you have found the desired sprint id here with rapidboards.
Pipe search results into a jqlsearch
| search ... | eval foo="WTF-1,WTF-2,WTF-3" | makemv delim=, foo | map search="|jirarest batch JQL_QUERY $foo$"
- The JQL_QUERY in the batch command is a partial query that ends with the IN keyword, e.g. "key in"
- Results piped in from the preceding search will populate the IN clause.
- Results piped in can be comma- or space- separated
- This is a little ungainly, but quite powerful if you want to pull a list of JIRA keys from an external source and then get all the Issues from JIRA
- Shows comments for all Issues returned by main option.
- Compatible with issues, jqlquery, and batch commands.
- By default, pretty names for fields are show. Changefield outputs internal field names instead.
- Compatible with issues, jqlquery and batch commands.
changetime TIME_FIELD
- Sets _time to the chosen field. If field does not contain a valid, returns 0 Epoch time
- _time defaults to created if changetime is not set
- Compatible with issues, jqlquery, and batch commands.
fields "[INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME,...]"
- Limits the set of fields returned
- Takes a comma-separated list of internal field names. No extra spaces, we're too lazy to trim
- If you want multiple fields, please enclose the field list in double-quotes
- key and created are always returned
- The rest command can also be called with | jira.
jirasoap (SOAP API - deprecated)
| jirasoap MODE OPTIONS
List all filters available to the logged-in user
| jirasoap filters
Run a filter
| jirasoap issues [time=TIME_OPTION] FILTER_ID
Run a text search
| jirasoap search [time=TIME_OPTION] "foo bar bas"
Run a JQL search
| jirasoap jqlsearch [time=TIME_OPTION] JQL_QUERY
- time
- Syntax: now | updated | created | resolved
- Description: By default, _time is set to the current timestamp (now), but if you'd like to have _time reflect one of the native timefields on the issue, you can choose from updated, created, or resolved (if this field is empty, _time will be set to the unix epoch - January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
jirasoap is a 'generating' command that produces a results table. It does not create events. There is also a prototype retainsevents version called 'jirasoapevents' with the same syntax. It creates real events instead of a table, but the events are empty so far...
jiraxml (SearchRequest XML - deprecated)
Send a JQL query, return a table with one row for each result
| jira [time=TIME_OPTION] [JQL_QUERY]
- time
- Syntax: now | updated | created | resolved
- Description: By default, _time is set to the current timestamp (now), but if you'd like to have _time reflect one of the native timefields on the issue, you can choose from updated, created, or resolved (if this field is empty, _time will be set to the unix epoch - January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
- If omitted, search for all Issues in the default project
jiraxml is a 'generating' command that produces a results table. It does not create events. There is also a prototype retainsevents version called 'jiraxmlevents' with the same syntax. It creates real events instead of a table, but the events are empty so far...
- Place the app into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/jira
- Create a folder named local, copy default/jira.conf into local, and update with configuration specific to your instance.
- Copy config.ini.sample to config.ini and update with your authentication credentials
Configure which keys to display in the table with the keys, time_keys, and custom_keys fields.
- Note that the SOAP API command ignores the key configuration.
- ~~App maintained by Russell Uman~~
- jirarest command written by Fred de Boer
- jirasoap command written by Fred de Boer
- jiraxml command written by Stephen Sorkin and Jeffrey Isenberg
- The Splunk MySQL app was used as a model, and lots of snippets here were stolen from its commands
- To support the jirasoap command, this App redistributes suds 4.0 https://fedorahosted.org/suds/