quickstart-js copied to clipboard
auth/captcha-check-failed and "Hostname match not found" errror
When trying with authentication with signInWithPhoneNumber and https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-js/blob/master/auth/phone-visible.html uploading code on the server gave an error and working fine on localhost
Added the domain under the Authorized domain Firebase Console ?? Authentication ?? Sign-in-method ?? Authorized Domains.
@meet0929 as a sanity check, can you please double check that you whitelisted the domain in the same project that your app is using for its config? The fact that things work fine on localhost but not on the server suggests that this is probably a whitelisting issue.
@jhuleatt I added my domain in the Authorized Domain like if my domain https://www.xyz.com/ i added xyz.com but it's not working
This error may occur when you host your app in no ssl certified domain. Then you have to whitelist your domain in firebase console.
Go to Firebase Console -> Authentication -> sign-in-method -> Authorized Domains and add your domain.
By default localhost and any https:// domain is whitelisted.
I am having this issue
I am having this issue
Add your domain in the list
I have, it doesn't resolve the issue
I have, it doesn't resolve the issue
May I know the url you are using as a dummy text but in same format
@jhuleatt I added my domain in the Authorized Domain like if my domain https://www.xyz.com/ i added xyz.com but it's not working
Add with www.xyz.com
I have, it doesn't resolve the issue
@stepanovaky can you post the console log so that we can recreate the issue.
@blaze021 Fixed it, turns out @meet0929 was correct, and my mistake was not to add a www in front of the domain. Thank you both for your help!
i faced the same issue and not solve this given solution
i faced the same issue and not solve this given solution
have you white listed your domain. can you paste your domain in sample format
yes working by adding domain name in firebase: Firebase > Authentication > Sign In Method > Scroll Down > Authorized domains > Add Domain Name like testadd.com > refresh web page and its work. Note : It also working for multisite network ( for multisite also the same method no need to add subdomains)
Please add your domain with 'www' and without 'www'. i.e. your URL is https://www.mydomain.com - Then add as below
- www.mydomain.com
- mydomain.com
It's working for me.
if you are testing in your localhost please add the in Authorized domains list
I have this error on React Native with Expo. What kind of domain I should have to specify?
I have added my domain and it goes like https://xyz.com but it doesn't solve the issue
This error may occur when you host your app in no ssl certified domain. Then you have to whitelist your domain in firebase console.
Go to Firebase Console -> Authentication -> sign-in-method -> Authorized Domains and add your domain.
By default localhost and any https:// domain is whitelisted.
It's working for me.
can i add my server address at the place of domain like 13.233.xx.xxx
if you are testing in your localhost please add the in Authorized domains list
This worked a big thanks for this.
Update: Authorized Domains is under Settings sections Go to Firebase Console -> Authentication -> sign-in-method -> Settings -> Authorized Domains and add your domain.
I have deployed my CRA on the Vercel and added the domain to whitelist but still getting the same error, don't know what todo!
New Firebase Layout is a bit different
Go to "Authentication" -> "Settings" -> "Authorized domains"
And then just add it there
you should add your website domain inside firebase Authorized domains this will solve the problem