geofire-objc copied to clipboard
Default firebase geofire rules not allowing writes.
I am trying to setup default GeoFire Rules on Firebase. When I turn on the rules below on the "geo" key I am getting "Permission Denied" in Xcode (SwiftUI). But other areas in firebase are getting written to. It's just geoFire that is getting denied. I want any Authed user to read/write to the entire firebase.
The "key" is an firebase random Key generator.
let firebaseStoreRef = storeRef.childByAutoId()
This link is where I am getting the default GeoFire rules (
Here is my JASON structure when I turned off the rules or set the rules to just auth.
"geo" : {
"-MAsyzawTChafkDQAzpx" : {
"g" : "9r4bb5f5h6",
"l" : [ 39.52796273493379, -119.8798737645459 ]
"-MAtFpjYsSLA0jJ4-5Le" : {
"g" : "9r4bbk77v5",
"l" : [ 39.5308423, -119.8671408 ]
Here are the rules that I set up in firebase. And yes, the user is authed, and I am able to write to other areas of the firebase just fine.
/* Visit to learn more about security rules. */
"rules": {
"geo": {
// Allow anyone to read the GeoFire index
".read": true,
// Index each location's geohash for faster querying
".indexOn": ["g"],
// Schema validation
"$key": {
// Allow any authentication user to add, update, or remove keys in the GeoFire index
".write": "auth !== null",
// Key validation
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['g', 'l']) && newData.getPriority().length <= 22 && newData.getPriority().length > 0",
// Geohash validation
"g": {
".validate": "newData.val() == newData.parent().getPriority()"
// Location coordinates validation
"l": {
"0" : {
".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() >= -90 && newData.val() <= 90"
"1" : {
".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() >= -180 && newData.val() <= 180"
"$other": {
".validate": false
// Don't allow any other keys to be written
"$other": {
".validate": false
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null"
If I comment out the following areas I am able to write to the "geo" part of the firebase...
// Key validation
// Geohash validation
// Don't allow any other keys to be written
Thanks in advance.