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FirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.

Results 112 firebaseui-web issues
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Need: I require for email + pwd to verify emails. As far as I know, I can't prevent or redirect flow after user first time creates account. So the error...

type: bug

* Operating System version: macOS Monterey 12.4 * Browser version: Chrome 101 on macOS (Catalina) * react-firebaseui version: 6.0.0 * Firebase SDK version: 9.8.0 I'm using firebase authentication method signin...

type: bug

### Describe your environment * Firebase UI version: latest ### Describe the problem I configured App Check in my Firebase project, but if I enable it for Authentication, Firebase UI...

type: bug

### [REQUIRED] Describe your environment * Operating System version: ___all__ * Browser version: __all___ * Firebase UI version: __8.6.1___ * Firebase SDK version: __8.6.1___ ### [REQUIRED] Describe the problem Takes...

### [REQUIRED] Describe your environment * Operating System version: macOS 12.5 * Browser version: Firefox 123.0.1 * Firebase UI version: 6.1.0 ### [REQUIRED] Describe the problem #### Steps to reproduce:...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It's been more than 2 years since the v9 SDK was released. It's a shame that FirebaseUI Web is still...


* Operating System version: Android 14.0.0 * Browser version: Android WebView 122.0 * Firebase UI version: 6.1 * Firebase SDK version: 10.8 When localStorage unavailable doesn't work with sessionStorage setPersistence...

type: bug

Bumps [follow-redirects]( from 1.15.2 to 1.15.6. Commits 35a517c Release version 1.15.6 of the npm package. c4f847f Drop Proxy-Authorization across hosts. 8526b4a Use GitHub for disclosure. b1677ce Release version 1.15.5 of...


* Operating System version: Mac OSX 13.6.2 * Browser version: Chrome 119.0.6045.159 * Firebase UI version: 6.1.0 * Firebase SDK version: 10.4.0 I'm using Firebase Auth with Google Identity Platform...

type: bug

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** No, I'm looking to see if I can use the Kurdish language in the Firebase Auth and Recaptcha UI. If...

type: feature request