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Firebase Android SDK

Results 413 firebase-android-sdk issues
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### [REQUIRED] Describe your environment * Android Studio version: Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2 - MAC M1 chipset * Firebase Component: Firebase InAppMessaging * Component version: BOM -...

api: inappmessaging

### Versions * Android Studio version: Jellyfish | 2023.3.2 Canary 1 * Firebase Component: firebase-auth * Component version: BOM: 32.8.0 ### Description I am facing a weird issue with firebase...

api: auth

`AppDistributionExtension` properties should be modelled as `Property` instances rather than raw values. This would allow them to be set from dependency-carrying providers, instead of requiring the values to be known...

type: feature request
api: appdistribution

Immediately close realtime connections when in background


### [REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment * Android Studio version: VSCode (Flutter development) * Firebase Component: Auth * Component version: Whatever [flutterfire]( is using ### [REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe...

type: bug
api: auth

* Firebase Component: **In-App Messaging** * Component version: **firebase-bom:32.7.4** ### Problem We see a lot of crashes when a new campaign is created. The App crashes with the following stacktrace:...

api: inappmessaging

Auto-generated PR for release m145


Hi, ``` ``` I read there was an issue with previous versions where GMS broke AppDistribution, and then AppDistribution issues an fix. All is working for my non-apk...

api: appdistribution

