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Uploading files >100 MB to the Firebase Storage fails (Firebase Emulator Suite)

Open JustinTrvz opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

Step 2: Describe your environment

  • Operating System version: Linux Ubuntu 22.04.1
  • Firebase SDK version: 12.5.4
  • Firebase Product: Storage
  • Python version: 3.10.12
  • Pip version: 22.0.2

Step 3: Describe the problem

I am using the Firebase Emulator Suite - Storage and firebase-admin in Python.

I wand to upload files to the Firebase Emulator Suite - Storage and I already set the system's environment variable STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST to http://localhost:9199.

When I use the function blob.upload_from_filename(filename=file_path) and I upload a file that is smaller than the _DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE (100 MB), which is defined in, everything is fine. But if my file exceeds the chunksize (> 100 MB), the file will not be uploaded correctly.

I tried to upload a 200 MB large file via the Firebase Emulator Suite UI in my browser (<project-id>) and it worked. So the problem is not the emulator itsself.

These are the files I want to upload, which are larger than 700 MB per file. image

This is the UI after uploading two of the files. The maximum file size I can reach is 104.86 MB... image

The Firebase Emulator Suite does not throw any error, neither my code does.

Relevant Code:

In the following code I am creating the Firebase app object in the __init__ function and use the storage bucket to upload files using the function upload_from_filename() in my custom function upload_zip_from_path():

def __init__(self, app_name: str = "[DEFAULT]", config_yml_path: str = "config.yml"):
        configs = FileUtils.load_config_yml(config_yml_path)
        self.DEBUG = bool(configs["environment"]["debug"])
        self.DATABASE_URL = configs["database"]["url"]
        self.BUCKET_URL = configs["storage"]["url"]
        token_file_path = configs["database"]["token_file_path"]

        # Set host to local Firebase Emulator Suite Storage
        if self.DEBUG:
            os.environ["STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST"] = "http://localhost:9199"

            self.APP_OBJ = firebase_admin.get_app(app_name)
        except ValueError:
            # If app does not exist, a value error is thrown
            if len(token_file_path) > 0:
                # Production: Authentication token needed
                token = credentials.Certificate(token_file_path)
                self.APP_OBJ = firebase_admin.initialize_app(
                        "databaseURL": self.DATABASE_URL,
                        "storageBucket": self.BUCKET_URL,
                # Development: No token needed using Firebase Emulator Suite
                self.APP_OBJ = firebase_admin.initialize_app(
                        "databaseURL": self.DATABASE_URL,
                        "storageBucket": self.BUCKET_URL,
        # References
        self.SID_ROOT = db.reference("sid")
        self.USER_ROOT = db.reference("user")
        # Firebase app specific
        self.APP_NAME = app_name
        self.BUCKET = storage.bucket()

def upload_zip_from_path(self, zip_path:str):
        # Set file name
        if "/" in zip_path:
            zip_name = zip_path.split("/")[-1]  # "test/" -> ["test", ""] -> ""
            zip_name = zip_path
        # Get a reference to the Firebase Storage bucket
        zip_folder = self.BUCKET.blob(f"zip/{zip_name}")
        return zip_folder.public_url

On the other hand I tried to chunk the file by myself, but this did not went well. With the following code the current chunk will overwrite the last chunk - this is not wanted... I wanted to append it to the file.

def resumable_upload(self, file_path, chunk_size=25 * 1024 * 1024):
        # Set file name
        if "/" in file_path:
            destination_blob_name = file_path.split("/")[-1]  # "test/" -> ["test", ""] -> ""
            destination_blob_name = file_path

        # Get a reference to the Firebase Storage bucket
        bucket = storage.bucket()

        # Create a resumable upload session
        blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
        blob.chunk_size = chunk_size
        chunk_count = 0
        chunk_start = 0
        total_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)

        with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
            while chunk_start < total_size:
                chunk_end = min(chunk_start + chunk_size, total_size)
                chunk_data =
                blob.upload_from_string(chunk_data, content_type="application/zip")
                chunk_start = chunk_end
                chunk_count += 1
                print(f'Uploaded chunk {chunk_count} / {total_size // chunk_size} ({chunk_start}/{total_size} bytes)')

        print('Resumable upload completed.')
        return blob.public_url

JustinTrvz avatar Sep 28 '23 11:09 JustinTrvz

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

google-oss-bot avatar Sep 28 '23 11:09 google-oss-bot

Did anyone find a solution to this?

mrkrosenberg avatar Feb 04 '24 01:02 mrkrosenberg

Any updates on this? I'm running into something similar Update: Fortunately I was able to bring my file sizes under the limit by compressing them, but I'd still be interested hearing solutions for cases with larger files

mcelroyengineering avatar May 07 '24 04:05 mcelroyengineering

Greetings figured it out it set by an internal variable image

what you have to do

    blob = self.bucket.blob(blob_name)
    blob.chunk_size =int(Mib(256*8).bytes) (increase the size)
    blob.upload_from_string(file_string, content_type=content_type)

on digging in firebase admin emulator does not do resumable uploads mabye there is a variable somehwere to enable uploads but your best bet is to make a dev enviromnent and never use the emulator :(

I redacted the payload image the response from the emulator should have been 308

Judimax avatar Jun 24 '24 22:06 Judimax