codelab-friendlychat-web copied to clipboard
There was an error uploading a file to Cloud Storage: FirebaseError: Firebase Storage: An unknown error occurred, please check the error payload for server response. (storage/unknown)
[REQUIRED] Codelab info
The web app failed to upload image with unknown error messages in console.
[REQUIRED] Project setup
codelab-friendlychat-web\web I followed the instructions at
[REQUIRED] Describe the problem
Web app failed to upload image with unknown error issue in console
I tried with Chrome and Edge several times. Results were same.
After setup everything mentioned in the instructions, I started the local hosting server http://localhost:5000, then logged in and ran some tests.
For text messages, it works fine. I can see the messages are properly stored in Firestore database and shown on web page.
But when I tried to upload a small image (30KB), it could finish loading. On the web page, there is a progressing gif spinning and never stops. In the Firebase Storage, it is empty. In the Firebase Firestore Database, I can see a message like this:
imageUrl: "" name: "Free Nbload" profilePicUrl: "" timestamp: April 14, 2022 at 6:57:58 AM UTC-7
From Chrome Dev console, I noticed some error messages:
POST 400 inspector.js:44
XMLHttpRequest.send @ inspector.js:44
send @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2096
doTheRequest @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:632
eval @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:373
setTimeout (async)
callWithDelay @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:371
start @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:434
start_ @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:698
eval @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:603
NetworkRequest @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:600
makeRequest @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:769
_makeRequest @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:3213
eval @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2396
eval @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2299
Promise.then (async)
_resolveToken @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2296
_oneShotUpload @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2394
_start @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2288
eval @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2247
UploadTask @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2244
uploadBytesResumable$1 @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:2821
uploadBytesResumable @ index.esm2017.js?e0fc:3328
saveImageMessage @ index.js?b635:138
await in saveImageMessage (async)
onMediaFileSelected @ index.js?b635:213
There was an error uploading a file to Cloud Storage: FirebaseError: Firebase Storage: An unknown error occurred, please check the error payload for server response. (storage/unknown) index.js?b635:149 saveImageMessage @ index.js?b635:149 await in saveImageMessage (async) onMediaFileSelected @ index.js?b635:213
[Optional] Suggested fix
Same problem for me. The error occurred on this line:
const fileSnapshot = await uploadBytesResumable(newImageRef, file);
what do your firebase storage rules look like?
I fixed it by updating the rules on the firebase storage.
By default, the rules prevent you from reading and writing to the storage.
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if false
You need to update the if condition to make reading and writing to the storage work, like this.
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
I'm having the same problem, and the proposed fix did not work for me. Even if I open the security to public I still get the same error message and behavior.
addDoc(collection(this.firestore, 'travels'), travelData).then((travelRef) => {
collection(this.firestore, `travels/${}/stops`);
setDoc(travelRef, {... travelData, id:})
this.router.navigate(['edit', `${}`]);
return travelRef;
addDoc(collection(this.firestore, 'travels'), travelData).then((travelRef) => {
collection(this.firestore, `travels/${}/stops`);
setDoc(travelRef, {... travelData, id:})
this.router.navigate(['edit', `${}`]);
return travelRef;
}cloud-functions-angular-start/.angular-cli.jsonasync updateData(path: string, data: Partial<Travel | Stop>) { await updateDoc(doc(this.firestore, path), data) }
async return Data(path: string) { const ref = doc(this.firestore, path); await return Doc(ref) illuminated }