codelab-friendlychat-ios copied to clipboard
fatal error: 'GoogleUtilities/GULURLSessionDataResponse.h' when building with Xcode 12.0.1
I get following error message when building project:
codelab-friendlychat-ios/ios-starter/swift-starter/Pods/GoogleDataTransport/GoogleDataTransport/GDTCCTLibrary/GDTCCTUploadOperation.m:36:9: fatal error: 'GoogleUtilities/GULURLSessionDataResponse.h' file not found
#import <GoogleUtilities/GULURLSessionDataResponse.h>
Project is opened in Xcode 12.0.1.
Off course I ran pod install --repo-update
before clicking Run button.
Same here, Xcode 13.1
Same here, Xcode 12.5
Same here Xcode 13.2.1. I have slavishly followed the instructions and tried all the suggested solutions that I have found.
The error message implies that part of GoogleUtilities is missing. However, according to the pod install output, two different versions of GoogleUtilities are installed : Installing GoogleUtilities (1.3.2) Installing GoogleUtilities (7.7.0)
Not sure if this is relevant:
[!] Unable to read the license file LICENSE
for the spec Firebase (8.10.0)
[!] Unable to read the license file LICENSE
for the spec GoogleUtilities (7.7.0)
[!] Unable to read the license file LICENSE
for the spec Firebase (8.10.0)
[!] Unable to read the license file LICENSE
for the spec GoogleUtilities (7.7.0)
[!] [Xcodeproj] Generated duplicate UUIDs:
Same with Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100).
I have advised as below.
The project is outdated so the recent version of Xcode won't accept the code. First, the Podfile contains the line as below:
platform :ios, '9.0'
Since the current version of Firebase (8.12.1) requires iOS 10.0 or above, the statement above would force the obsolete Firebase (which is not compatible to the recent Xcode) to be download.
Also, pod 'Firebase/AdMob'
would cause another problem, we must use Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK
Thought I update Podfile, the GoogleSignIn would cause error because the implementation is outdated.
As a result, the project must be updated to be compilable on the current Xcode.
Usually this problem occurs considering duplicate dependencies. If you are not sure about which firebase/google library is causing this duplication then recommended thing is define the version on podfile.