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Handling of ActivityTaskTimeoutException, schedule_to_start_timeout_seconds
It seems ActivityTaskTimeoutException is being caught in the, but it doesn't propagate up to the caller. The Java Client catches both of these exceptions using a similar setup so the behavior seems different.
Using this sample code below, if you set the schedule_to_start_timeout_seconds shorter than the execution_start_to_close_timeout, you see the following, but it doesn't propagate up. If you set the schedule_to_start_timeout_seconds longer than the execution timeout, the client will get the WorkflowExecutionTimeoutException.
- Running with schedule_to_start_timeout_seconds = 1 (we see the exception, it just never makes it up to the caller)
ERROR:cadence.decision_loop:Workflow GreetingWorkflow::get_greeting('Python') failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/rich/.pyenv/versions/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cadence/", line 233, in workflow_main
self.ret_value = await workflow_proc(self.workflow_instance, *self.workflow_input)
File "/Users/rich/.pyenv/versions/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cadence/", line 62, in stub_activity_fn
return await decision_context.schedule_activity_task(parameters=parameters)
File "/Users/rich/.pyenv/versions/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cadence/", line 342, in schedule_activity_task
await future
- Running with execution_start_to_close_timeout=1 and schedule_to_start_timeout_seconds=5 we get the exception
Workflow Excution Timeout
Stopping workers....
Workers stopped...
Appears that somewhere in the code, it isn't adding the ActivityTimeout to the GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryResponse. But I could be way off, but that's where the trail seemed to lead. Whether it's supposed to or not is also a question, but the Java Client does throw this exception up to the caller (although it's thrown up as WorkflowException, which I think is correct).
# Activities Interface
class GreetingActivities:
def compose_greeting(self, greeting: str, name: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
# Workflow Interface
class GreetingWorkflow:
def get_greeting(self, name: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
# Workflow Implementation
class GreetingWorkflowImpl(GreetingWorkflow):
def __init__(self):
self.greeting_activities: GreetingActivities = Workflow.new_activity_stub(GreetingActivities)
def get_greeting(self, name):
return self.greeting_activities.compose_greeting("Aloha", name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
factory = WorkerFactory("localhost", 7933, DOMAIN)
worker = factory.new_worker(TASK_LIST)
client = WorkflowClient.new_client(domain=DOMAIN)
greeting_workflow: GreetingWorkflow = client.new_workflow_stub(GreetingWorkflow)
name = "foo"
result = greeting_workflow.get_greeting("{}".format(name))
except ActivityTaskTimeoutException as ex:
print("Activity Task Timeout {}".format(ex))
except WorkflowExecutionTimedOutException as ex2:
print("Workflow Excution Timeout {}".format(ex2))
print("Stopping workers....")
print("Workers stopped...")
Okay I see the issue, it's quite an embarrassing omission on my part. I'm yet to process exceptions that occur in the workflow method with FailWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes. This will also require that proper exception serialization is done.
Maxim and I are discussing this in the Slack channel, basically the caller will be getting a WorkflowFailureException that will wrap the exception that occurred in the Workflow function.
This should be resolved - - let me know if you're still having problems