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CER/CEA Session ID mismatch
When creating a simple server to respond to CER/CEA messages, the CEA message generated has the wrong session ID which makes the client give an error saying "Unexpected (no scenario found) call with session-id [xxxxxxxxx]"
- cmd=Capabilities-Exchange Request(257) flags=R--- appl=Diameter Common Messages(0) h2h=0 e2e=0 |
- cmd=Capabilities-Exchange Answer(257) flags=---- appl=Diameter Common Messages(0) h2h=85681811 e2e=6d510f37 |
I am using seagul to generate client side traffic.
My server code:
package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
func main() {
serverAddress := flag.String("serverAddress", "", "address in the form of ip:port to listen on")
ppaddr := flag.String("pprof_addr", ":9000", "address in form of ip:port for the pprof server")
host := flag.String("diam_host", "hssemulator.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org", "diameter identity host")
realm := flag.String("diam_realm", "ims.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org", "diameter identity realm")
certFile := flag.String("cert_file", "", "tls certificate file (optional)")
keyFile := flag.String("key_file", "", "tls key file (optional)")
//silent := flag.Bool("s", false, "silent mode, useful for benchmarks")
// Load our custom dictionary on top of the default one, which
// always have the Base Protocol (RFC6733) and Credit Control
// Application (RFC4006).
err := dict.Default.LoadFile("base_cx.xml")
if err != nil {
settings := &sm.Settings{
OriginHost: datatype.DiameterIdentity(*host),
OriginRealm: datatype.DiameterIdentity(*realm),
VendorID: 10415,
ProductName: "hss-emulator",
FirmwareRevision: 1,
// Create the state machine (mux) and set its message handlers.
mux := sm.New(settings)
mux.HandleFunc("ALL", handleALL) // Catch all.
// Print error reports.
go printErrors(mux.ErrorReports())
if len(*ppaddr) > 0 {
go func() { log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*ppaddr, nil)) }()
err = listen(*serverAddress, *certFile, *keyFile, mux)
if err != nil {
func printErrors(ec <-chan *diam.ErrorReport) {
for err := range ec {
func listen(addr, cert, key string, handler diam.Handler) error {
// Start listening for connections.
if len(cert) > 0 && len(key) > 0 {
log.Println("Starting secure diameter server on", addr)
return diam.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, cert, key, handler, nil)
log.Println("Starting diameter server on", addr)
return diam.ListenAndServe(addr, handler, nil)
func handleALL(c diam.Conn, m *diam.Message) {
log.Printf("Received unexpected message from %s:\n%s", c.RemoteAddr(), m)
I am seeing similar problem. When I run the server example directly from this repo, all works fine, CER/CEA is successful. However, if I create my own module (consisting of this exact server example) and import this repo as a module, CER/CEA fails with "no common capabilities" error. I will try to troubleshoot this further, however being total golang beginner not sure from where to start.
This is because if hopbyhop and endtoend are zero, random numbers are assigned to them. https://github.com/fiorix/go-diameter/blob/master/diam/message.go#L166