TeamdriveManagerPHP copied to clipboard
Teamdrive Manager! Automate Teamdrive Generation and Permissions. Download normal Files
Teamdrive Manager (with extra Features)
- PHP 7.2
- GSuite Account (With a ton of permissions)
Google Setup
- Go to the Dev Console of Google (
- Create a new API Project
- Name it as you want in this tutorial I name it "TeamdriveManager"
- After its created select it
- Click on "Enable APIs"
- Enable the Admin SDK
- Enable the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
- Enable the Google Drive API
- Click on "Credentials"
- "Create Credentials"
- "Service Account Key"
- Create a new Service Account
- As name you should use "TeamdriveManager-Impersonate"
- Dont select a Role
- As Type select JSON
- When asked say "Create without Role"
- You will now download a JSON File. DONT LOSE THE JSON FILE!
- Click on "Manage Service Accounts"
- click on the mail address of the Service Account
- Click Edit in the Top
- Click on "Show Domain-wide delegation"
- Enable "Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation"
- As Product name just use the Project name again
- Press Save
- copy the Client ID to some notepad.exe or so
- Go to the Admin Console (
- Go into "Security" (or use the search bar)
- Select "Show more" and then "Advanced settings"
- Select "Manage API client access" in the "Authentication" section
- In the "Client Name" field enter the service account’s "Client ID"
- In the next field, "One or More API Scopes", enter the following
PHP Setup
- Clone the Git Repo
- go into the Folder
- run composer
- "composer install"
- copy the config.dist.php file to config.php
- edit the config file to your needs
- put the downloaded JSON file in the same directory and change the name in the config to it
- change the subject to your google account email
- change the domain to your google account domain
- put all users you want with their corresponding role in the users array
- you can empty the Blacklist as you mostly dont need it
- teamDriveNameBegin is the Prefix all your Drives that should be Managed have like "Fionera - "
- The IAM Section is for Service Account Stuff and currently not needed
- Now you can use "php app.php assign:mail" for assigning all Email Addresses with their roles to the Teamdrives that match the prefix