a11y-theme-builder copied to clipboard
Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | @types/react-icons |
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- [ ] Update dependency @emotion/react to v11.13.3
- [ ] Update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.13
- [ ] Update dependency @types/jsonwebtoken to v9.0.7
- [ ] Update dependency @types/nodemailer to v6.4.16
- [ ] Update dependency axios to v1.7.7
- [ ] Update dependency eslint to v8.57.1
- [ ] Update dependency html-react-parser to v5.1.17
- [ ] Update dependency nodemon to v3.1.7
- [ ] Update Node.js to v20.18.0
- [ ] Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v6.5.0
- [ ] Update dependency react-intl to v6.7.0
- [ ] Update actions/checkout action to v4
- [ ] Update actions/setup-node action to v4
- [ ] Update actions/setup-python action to v5
- [ ] Update actions/upload-artifact action to v4
- [ ] Update dependency @testing-library/react to v16
- [ ] Update dependency @types/express to v5
- [ ] Update dependency chroma-js to v3
- [ ] Update dependency eslint to v9
- [ ] Update dependency typescript to v5
- [ ] Update dependency uuid to v10 (
) - [ ] Update docker/build-push-action action to v6
- [ ] Update material-ui monorepo to v6 (major) (
) - [ ] Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major) (
) - [ ] 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] Update dependency body-parser to v1.20.3 [SECURITY]
- [ ] Update dependency express to v4.20.0 [SECURITY]
- [ ] Update dependency webpack to v5.94.0 [SECURITY]
- [ ] Update dependency prettier to v3.3.3
- [ ] Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.26.2
- [ ] Update material-ui monorepo (
) - [ ] Update dependency @types/node to v20.16.10
- [ ] Update dependency react-icons to v5.3.0
- [ ] Update docker/build-push-action action to v5.4.0
- [ ] Update docker/login-action action to v3.3.0
- [ ] Update react monorepo (
) - [ ] Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.18.0 (
) - [ ] Update actions/cache action to v4
- [ ] Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Detected dependencies
node 20.16.0-bookworm-slim
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-python v4
actions/cache v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/checkout v2
actions/setup-node v2
actions/checkout v4
docker-practice/actions-setup-docker ccc771627519a0dc44b99c63f3ccf5fab1b1b9b8
actions/checkout v4
docker/login-action v3.0.0
docker/metadata-action v5.5.1
docker/build-push-action v5.1.0
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/checkout v3
docker-practice/actions-setup-docker ccc771627519a0dc44b99c63f3ccf5fab1b1b9b8
crazy-max/ghaction-container-scan f17494a3e47d86fb17c2c1f89b25049492a82d1d
@types/body-parser ^1.19.5
@types/chroma-js ^2.4.4
@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.7
@types/express ^4.17.21
@types/express-session ^1.18.0
@types/jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2
@types/node ^20.14.15
@types/nodemailer ^6.4.15
axios ^1.7.4
axios-debug-log ^1.0.0
body-parser ^1.20.2
cookie-parser ^1.4.6
express ^4.19.2
express-basic-auth ^1.2.1
express-session ^1.18.0
form-data 4.0.0
jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2
tingodb ^0.6.1
ts-node ^10.9.2
typescript ^4.9.3
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^7.8.0
@typescript-eslint/parser ^7.8.0
eslint ^8.57.0
eslint-plugin-header ^3.1.1
nodemon ^3.1.4
prettier ^3.3.2
@emotion/react ^11.11.4
@emotion/styled ^11.11.5
@finos/a11y-theme-builder-sdk ^1.1.0
@mui/icons-material ^5.15.15
@mui/material ^5.15.15
@mui/x-data-grid ^7.1.1
@mui/system ^5.15.15
@types/chroma-js ^2.4.4
@types/file-saver ^2.0.7
@types/node ^20.14.15
@types/react 18.2.75
@types/react-color 3.0.12
@types/react-dom 18.2.24
@types/react-icons 3.0.0
@types/react-router-dom 5.3.3
@types/uuid ^9.0.8
@types/webfontloader ^1.6.38
axios ^1.7.4
buffer ^6.0.3
chroma-js ^2.6.0
colord ^2.9.3
file-saver ^2.0.5
html-react-parser ^5.1.10
react 18.2.0
react-color ^2.19.3
react-dom 18.2.0
react-icons 5.2.1
react-intl 6.6.8
react-router-dom 6.26.0
typescript ^4.9.3
uuid ^9.0.1
webfontloader ^1.6.28
@craco/craco 7.1.0
@testing-library/jest-dom ^6.4.2
@testing-library/react ^15.0.1
@testing-library/user-event ^14.5.2
@types/jest ^29.5.12
webpack ^5.91.0
react-refresh 0.14.0
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository