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15 Aug 2024 - A11y Theme Builder Meeting Minutes
2024-08-15 - 09:15am EDT
Zoom info
- Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/91013899295?pwd=Qnh5UVN1aUZ4ak9tODgvMVNLNUg5Zz09
- Meeting id: 910 1389 9295
- Password: 123225
- Call-in: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) (Check calendar for more options)
Untracked attendees
- Fullname, Affiliation, (optional) GitHub username
- ...
Meeting notices
FINOS Project leads are responsible for observing the FINOS guidelines for running project meetings. Project maintainers can find additional resources in the FINOS Maintainers Cheatsheet.
All participants in FINOS project meetings are subject to the LF Antitrust Policy, the FINOS Community Code of Conduct and all other FINOS policies.
FINOS meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of FINOS and the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
FINOS project meetings may be recorded for use solely by the FINOS team for administration purposes. In very limited instances, and with explicit approval, recordings may be made more widely available.
- [x] Convene & roll call (5mins)
- [x] Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide
- [x] Review Meeting Notices (see above)
- [x] Approve past meeting minutes
- [x] Community WG update (@PaulaPaul)
- [x] Upcoming release (@aaronreed708)
- dependencies updated
- chroma-js issue fixed
- updates to SDK on NPM and image on DockerHub
- [x] Mentorship project update (@omesh-omg
- [ ] ...
- [ ] AOB, Q&A & Adjourn (5mins)
Decisions Made
- [ ] Decision 1
- [ ] Decision 2
- [ ] ...
Action Items
- [ ] (from last week) Lise to get Omesh and Aaron CSS and responsive breakpoints and behaviors for #820 design
- will provide CSS for framework only for now
- [ ] (from last week)Aaron and Evan need to break the Epic that will be worked on by the mentee into detailed and digestable issues
- [ ] (from last week) Lise to work with Aaron to update video in mkdocs documentation
- [ ] (from last week) Aaron to share Lise's documentation
- [ ] we need to find a location to keep Keith's recording
- [ ] Aaron to track down Netlify possibility for Omesh