finmath-experiments copied to clipboard
Experiments, demos and unit tests based on finmath lib.
finmath experiments
Experiments and demos based on finmath lib.
See also
finmath lib
Java library providing implementations of methodologies related to
mathematical finance, but applicable to other fields (e.g., the
Monte-Carlo simulation of SDEs and the estimation of conditional
expectations in Monte-Carlo).
finmath spreadsheets
A collection of spreadsheets building upon finmath lib and
providing end user solutions (e.g, interest rate curve calibration
or calibration of a forward rate model, aka LIBOR market model).
finmath experiments
Small experiments, illustrating some aspects of mathematical
finance. Also illustrates how to use the finmath lib.
finmath lib plot extensions Convenient abstractions of some plotting libraries and example usages of finmath lib. See
finmath lib API documentation
provides the documentation of the library api. - special topics
cover some selected topics with demo spreadsheets and uml diagrams. Some topics come with additional documentations (technical papers).
The code of "finmath lib" and "finmath experiments" (packages
) are distributed under the Apache License version
2.0, unless otherwise explicitly stated.
Instruction for Contributors for Experiments
Here are a few remarks in case you like to create and contribute a web page with experiments, similar to the ones in the docs
folder of this repo.
Used the same HTML header as in the example on Monte-Carlo simulation, see montecarlo-blackscholes (adjusting title and description).
Use the correct HTML tags for code blocks, i.e. the tag
<div class="codeboxwithheader">
and everything that is inside. Just change the title text, the id and the code inside. -
If you like to use the Copy to clipboard button, make sure that value in data-clipboard-target corresponds to the id in the pre-tag. Like experiment1 in this example:
<span style="float: right;"><button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="#experiment1">Copy to clipboard</button></span> <div class="codebox"><pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java" id="experiment1"> </code></pre></div>
Check your page on a mobile device (iPhone, iPad). Long package names or class names can lead to layout issues.
If you create plots, the best quality can be achieved by saving the plot as SVG. Use
plot.saveAsSVG(new File(filename), 800, 450))
Use LaTeX with MathJax: you can write LaTeX inside the HTML using
to mark the start and the end.