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Classes to generate Excel/CSV Report in ASP.NET Core

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Excel Export

Simple classes to generate Excel/CSV Report in ASP.NET Core.

To export/download the IEnumerable<T> data as an excel file, add action method in your controller as shown below. Return the data as ExcelResult<T>/CSVResult<T> by passing filtered/ordered data, sheet name and file name. ExcelResult/CSVResult Action Result that I have added in the Nuget package. This will take care of converting your data as excel/csv file and return it back to browser.

Note: This tutorial contains example for downloading/exporting excel/csv from Asp.Net Core Backend.

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Column names in Excel Export can be configured using the below attributes

  • [Display(Name = "")]
  • [DisplayName(“”)]

Report Setup

To customize the Excel Column display in your report, use the following attribute

  • [IncludeInReport]
  • [NestedIncludeInReport]

And here are the options,

Option Type Example Description
Order int [IncludeInReport(Order = N)] To control the order of columns in Excel Report

Please note: From v.2.0.0, simple properties in your models with [IncludeInReport] attribute will be displayed in excel report. You can add any level of nesting to your models using [NestedIncludeInReport] attribute.


Package Manager:

PM> Install-Package Fingers10.ExcelExport


> dotnet add package Fingers10.ExcelExport

Root Model

public class DemoExcel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [IncludeInReport(Order = 1)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [IncludeInReport(Order = 2)]
    public string Position { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Office")]
    [IncludeInReport(Order = 3)]
    public string Offices { get; set; }

    public DemoNestedLevelOne DemoNestedLevelOne { get; set; }

Nested Level One Model:

public class DemoNestedLevelOne
    [IncludeInReport(Order = 4)]
    public short? Experience { get; set; }

    [IncludeInReport(Order = 5)]
    public int? Extension { get; set; }

    public DemoNestedLevelTwo DemoNestedLevelTwos { get; set; }

Nested Level Two Model:

public class DemoNestedLevelTwo
    [DisplayName("Start Date")]
    [IncludeInReport(Order = 6)]
    public DateTime? StartDates { get; set; }

    [IncludeInReport(Order = 7)]
    public long? Salary { get; set; }

Action Method

public async Task<IActionResult> GetExcel()
    // Get you IEnumerable<T> data
    var results = await _demoService.GetDataAsync();
    return new ExcelResult<DemoExcel>(results, "Demo Sheet Name", "Fingers10");

public async Task<IActionResult> GetCSV()
    // Get you IEnumerable<T> data
    var results = await _demoService.GetDataAsync();
    return new CSVResult<DemoExcel>(results, "Fingers10");

Page Handler

public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetExcelAsync()
     // Get you IEnumerable<T> data
    var results = await _demoService.GetDataAsync();
    return new ExcelResult<DemoExcel>(results, "Demo Sheet Name", "Fingers10");

public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetCSVAsync()
     // Get you IEnumerable<T> data
    var results = await _demoService.GetDataAsync();
    return new CSVResult<DemoExcel>(results, "Fingers10");

Target Platform

  • .Net Standard 2.0

Tools Used

  • Visual Studio Community 2019

Other Nuget Packages Used

  • ClosedXML (0.95.0) - For Generating Excel Bytes
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (2.2.0) - For using IActionResult
  • System.ComponentModel.Annotations (4.7.0) - For Reading Column Names from Annotations


  • Abdul Rahman - Software Developer - from India. Software Consultant, Architect, Freelance Lecturer/Developer and Web Geek.


Feel free to submit a pull request if you can add additional functionality or find any bugs (to see a list of active issues), visit the Issues section. Please make sure all commits are properly documented.


ExcelExport is release under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify and distribute this software, as long as the copyright header is left intact.



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