crypto-trades-firefly-iii copied to clipboard
This service lets you import your movements on supported crypto trading platforms to your Firefly III account. Keep an overview of your traded crypto assets.
This service lets you import your movements on supported crypto trading platforms to your Firefly III account. Keep an overview of your traded crypto assets.
Big Picture
Imported Movements from Crypto Trading Platform to Firefly III
The following movements on your crypto trading platform account will be imported to your Firefly III instance:
Executed trades
- Creates transactions for each trade happened automatically
- adds/lowers funds to/from your "security" account - the asset account of the coin you have bought or sold in that trade
- lowers/adds funds to/from your "currency" account - the asset account of the coin you have sold or bought in that trade
- transactions get a tag
assigned (e.g. "binance") - transactions get a note "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:
" (e.g. "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:binance")
- Paid fees import as new transactions
- For each trade on your crypto trading platform there is a paid commission. For this paid commission an additional transaction is created, linking the asset account holding the commission currency, and the crypto trading platform expense account.
- transactions get a tag
assigned (e.g. "binance") - transactions get a note "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:
" (e.g. "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:binance")
Received interest through savings (lending/staking)
- Received interest will be imported automatically
- transactions get a tag
assigned (e.g. "binance") - transactions get a note "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:
" (e.g. "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:binance")
- transactions get a tag
Withdrawals and deposits in crypto
- Import withdrawals and deposits from/to the exchange automatically
- transactions get a tag
assigned (e.g. "binance") - transactions get a note "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:unclassified-transaction:
" (e.g. "crypto-trades-firefly-iii:binance")
- transactions get a tag
- For supported Blockchains you can make those unclassified transactions "regular" classified transactions (which means, deposits don't come in as revenue or withdrawals as withdrawals to expense accounts, instead they are created as "transfer" transactions accordingly to the relevant asset account). See here on how to use supported blockchains with this service.
Known limitations for not supported Blockchains
- As of now these transactions are unclassified, as there is no logic of matching other asset accounts with public ledger transactions.
Known limitations for not supported Blockchains
On-/Off-ramping from or to SEPA asset accounts
- on the roadmap
How to Use
This module runs stateless next to your Firefly III instance (as Docker container or standalone) and periodically processes new data from your configured crypto trading platform. Just spin it up and watch your trades being imported right away.
If you have used binance-firefly-iii before
Just configure this service as you configured binance-firefly-iii and run it. All "notes identifier" will be migrated for using crypto-trades-firefly-iii. binance-firefly-iii will not find any accounts within Firefly-III afterwards.
"notes identifier" are used so that crypto-trades-firefly-iii services can find and match your correct exchange accounts.
Prepare your Firefly III instance for supported exchanges
To import your movements from Binance your Firefly III installation has to be extended as follows:
- Currencies for crypto coins/tokens
- Add custom currencies which you are trading on crypto exchanges (e.g. name "Bitcoin", symbol "₿", code "BTC", digits "8")
- Create accounts for each of your exchange connections
- asset accounts
- add an asset account for each coin/token
- expense account
- add one account for all expenses on that exchange
- revenue accounts
- add one account for all revenue on that exchange
- for all accounts you create
- set the "notes identifier" in the notes field - see supported exchanges for what "notes identifier" to use
- for holdings outside your exchange where you deposit from or withdraw to you can configure supported blockchains to map transactions as transfers and not just deposits (by revenue) or withdrawals (to expenses).
- asset accounts
Run as Docker container from Docker Hub
Pull the image and run the container passing the needed environmental variables.
docker pull financelurker/crypto-trades-firefly-iii:latest
docker run --env.... financelurker/crypto-trades-firefly-iii:latest
Run as Docker container from repository
Check out the repository and build the docker image locally. Build the container and then run it by passing the needed environmental variables.
git clone
cd crypto-trades-firefly-iii
docker build .
docker run --env....
Run it standalone
Check out the repository, make sure you set the environmental variables and start thy python script:
git clone
cd crypto-trades-firefly-iii
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools pip wheel
python -m pip install --upgrade pyyaml
python -m pip install Firefly-III-API-Client
python -m pip install python-binance
python -m pip install cryptocom-exchange
If you are having any troubles, make sure you're using python 3.9 (the corresponding Docker image is "python:3.9-slim-buster" for version referencing).
Working environments
- Firefly III Version 5.4.6
- Binance API Change Log up to 2021-04-08
Multiple Exchanges
As the whole functionality runs in a single blocking thread for all configured exchanges it is recommended to configure a new instance/docker container for each crypto exchange you're using. Otherwise the maintenance of one exchange will impact the import of all other exchanges as well.
Environmental Variables
This image is configured via environmental variables. As there are many ways to set them up for your runtime environment please consult that documentation.
Make sure you have them set as there is no exception handling for missing values from the environment.
- Description: The url to your Firefly III instance you want to import trades. (e.g. "https://some-firefly-iii.instance:62443" and make sure it's a test system for now!!)
- Type: string
- Description: Enables or disables the validation of ssl certificates, if you're using your own x509 CA. (there probably are better ways of doing this)
- Type: boolean [ false | any ]
- Optional
- Default: true
- Description: Your access token you have created within your Firefly III instance.
- Type: string
- Description: The date of the transactions must not be older than this timestamp to be imported. This helps you to import from back to 2017 initially and once you have imported them all you can set the date to a date near the container runtime start to reduce probable bandwidth-costs on exchange-side. (e.g. "2018-01-22") as these APIs often work with rate-limiting.
- Type: date [ yyyy-MM-dd ]
- Description: This defines on how often this module will check for new trades on all configured exchanges. Only trades up to the last full interval (hour or day) are synchronized. The debug mode fetches every 10 seconds.
- Type: enum [ hourly | daily | debug ]
- Description: Adds to each written object an additional 'dev' tag. As long as this arg is present the debug mode will be turned on.
- Type: boolean [ any ]
- Optional
- Default: false
For the configuration of relevant supported exchanges please read here
How to extend this service
Add supported Exchanges
Please see the documentation on how to add supported exchanges.
Add supported Blockchains
Please see the documentation on how to add supported Blockchains.
This app needs access tokens for your Firefly III instance, and access tokens/API-Keys for your crypto trading platform account. It is absolutely okay to only give read-permissions to that access tokens/API-Keys, as there will be no writing actions to crypto trading platform by this service.