pygltf icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pygltf copied to clipboard

Python implementation of GLTF format.


Python implementation of GLTF format.


The following example illustrates how to use pygltf to generate a scene from geometry stored in numpy arrays.

import os
import sys
import json

import numpy as np

from pygltf import gltf2 as gltf

    "position":  gltf.Attribute.POSITION,
    "normal":    gltf.Attribute.NORMAL,
    "texCoord":  gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD,
    "texCoord0": gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0,
    "texCoord1": gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1,
    "color":     gltf.Attribute.COLOR_0,

    np.int8:    gltf.ComponentType.BYTE,
    np.uint8:   gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
    np.int16:   gltf.ComponentType.SHORT,
    np.uint16:  gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT,
    np.uint32:  gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT,
    np.float32: gltf.ComponentType.FLOAT,

    ():    gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
    (1,):  gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
    (2,):  gltf.AccessorType.VEC2,
    (3,):  gltf.AccessorType.VEC3,
    (4,):  gltf.AccessorType.VEC4,
    (1,1): gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
    (2,2): gltf.AccessorType.MAT2,
    (3,3): gltf.AccessorType.MAT3,
    (4,4): gltf.AccessorType.MAT4,

def from_np_type(dtype, shape):
    accessorType = ACCESSOR_TYPE_BY_SHAPE.get(shape)
    componentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_BY_DTYPE.get(dtype.type)
    return accessorType, componentType

def subtype(dtype):
        dtype, shape = dtype.subdtype
        return dtype, shape
    except TypeError:
        dtype, shape = dtype, ()
        return dtype, shape

def generate_structured_array_accessors(data, buffer_views, offset=None, count=None, name=None):
    name = "{key}" if name is None else name
    count = len(data) if count is None else count
    result = {}
    for key, value in data.dtype.fields.items():
        dtype, delta = value
        dtype, shape = subtype(dtype)
        accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape)
        accessor = gltf.Accessor(buffer_views[key], offset, count, accessorType, componentType, name=name.format(key=key))
        attribute = ATTRIBUTE_BY_NAME.get(key)
        if attribute == gltf.Attribute.POSITION:
            accessor.max = np.amax(data[key], axis=0).tolist()
            accessor.min = np.amin(data[key], axis=0).tolist()
        result[attribute] = accessor
    return result

def generate_array_accessor(data, buffer_view, offset=None, count=None, name=None):
    count = len(data) if count is None else count
    dtype, shape = data.dtype, data.shape
    accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape[1:])
    result = gltf.Accessor(buffer_view, offset, count, accessorType, componentType, name=name)
    return result

def generate_structured_array_buffer_views(data, buffer, target, offset=None, name=None):
    name = "{key}" if name is None else name
    offset = 0 if offset is None else offset
    length = data.nbytes
    stride = data.itemsize
    result = {}
    for key, value in data.dtype.fields.items():
        dtype, delta = value
        dtype, shape = subtype(dtype)
        accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape)
        buffer_view = gltf.BufferView(buffer, offset+delta, length-delta, stride, target, name=name.format(key=key))
        result[key] = buffer_view
    return result

def generate_array_buffer_view(data, buffer, target, offset=None, name=None):
    offset = 0 if offset is None else offset
    length = data.nbytes
    stride = None
    result = gltf.BufferView(buffer, offset, length, stride, target, name=name)
    return result

def byteLength(buffers):
    return sum(map(lambda buffer: buffer.nbytes, buffers))

def numpy_to_gltf(vertex_data, index_data, gltf_path, bin_path):
    mesh = gltf.Mesh([], name="Default Mesh")
    document = gltf.Document.from_mesh(mesh)
    buffers = [vertex_data, index_data]
    buffer = gltf.Buffer(byteLength(buffers), uri=os.path.relpath(bin_path, os.path.dirname(gltf_path)), name="Default Buffer")
    offset = 0
    vertex_buffer_views = generate_structured_array_buffer_views(vertex_data, buffer, gltf.BufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset=offset, name="{key} Buffer View")
    offset += vertex_data.nbytes
    index_buffer_view = generate_array_buffer_view(index_data, buffer, gltf.BufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset=offset, name="Index Buffer View")
    offset += index_data.nbytes
    vertex_accessors = generate_structured_array_accessors(vertex_data, vertex_buffer_views, name="{key} Accessor")
    index_accessor = generate_array_accessor(index_data, index_buffer_view, name="Index Accessor")
    primitive = gltf.Primitive(vertex_accessors, index_accessor, None, gltf.PrimitiveMode.TRIANGLES)
    return document, buffers

def save(gltf_path, bin_path, document, buffers):
    data = document.togltf()
    with open(gltf_path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
    with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f:
        for buffer in buffers:

def rect(w=1.0, h=1.0):
    vertex_data = np.zeros(4, dtype = [
        ("position", np.float32, 3),
        ("normal", np.float32, 3),
        ("texCoord0", np.float32, 2),
        ("color", np.float32, 4),
    w_half, h_half = w/2.0, h/2.0
    vertex_data["position"] = [(-w_half, -h_half, 0), (-w_half, +h_half, 0), (+w_half, -h_half, 0), (+w_half, +h_half, 0)]
    vertex_data["normal"] = [(0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1)]
    vertex_data["texCoord0"] = [(0, 0), (0, +1), (+1, 0), (+1, +1)]
    vertex_data["color"] = [(1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1)]
    index_data = np.array([0,1,2,3,2,1], dtype=np.uint16)
    return vertex_data, index_data

def main():
    vertex_data, index_data = rect()
    gltf_path = "rect.gltf"
    bin_path = "rect.bin"
    document, buffers = numpy_to_gltf(vertex_data, index_data, gltf_path, bin_path)
    save(gltf_path, bin_path, document, buffers)

if __name__ == "__main__":