pygltf copied to clipboard
Python implementation of GLTF format.
Python implementation of GLTF format.
The following example illustrates how to use pygltf to generate a scene from geometry stored in numpy arrays.
import os
import sys
import json
import numpy as np
from pygltf import gltf2 as gltf
"position": gltf.Attribute.POSITION,
"normal": gltf.Attribute.NORMAL,
"texCoord": gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD,
"texCoord0": gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0,
"texCoord1": gltf.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1,
"color": gltf.Attribute.COLOR_0,
np.int8: gltf.ComponentType.BYTE,
np.uint8: gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
np.int16: gltf.ComponentType.SHORT,
np.uint16: gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT,
np.uint32: gltf.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT,
np.float32: gltf.ComponentType.FLOAT,
(): gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
(1,): gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
(2,): gltf.AccessorType.VEC2,
(3,): gltf.AccessorType.VEC3,
(4,): gltf.AccessorType.VEC4,
(1,1): gltf.AccessorType.SCALAR,
(2,2): gltf.AccessorType.MAT2,
(3,3): gltf.AccessorType.MAT3,
(4,4): gltf.AccessorType.MAT4,
def from_np_type(dtype, shape):
accessorType = ACCESSOR_TYPE_BY_SHAPE.get(shape)
componentType = COMPONENT_TYPE_BY_DTYPE.get(dtype.type)
return accessorType, componentType
def subtype(dtype):
dtype, shape = dtype.subdtype
return dtype, shape
except TypeError:
dtype, shape = dtype, ()
return dtype, shape
def generate_structured_array_accessors(data, buffer_views, offset=None, count=None, name=None):
name = "{key}" if name is None else name
count = len(data) if count is None else count
result = {}
for key, value in data.dtype.fields.items():
dtype, delta = value
dtype, shape = subtype(dtype)
accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape)
accessor = gltf.Accessor(buffer_views[key], offset, count, accessorType, componentType, name=name.format(key=key))
attribute = ATTRIBUTE_BY_NAME.get(key)
if attribute == gltf.Attribute.POSITION:
accessor.max = np.amax(data[key], axis=0).tolist()
accessor.min = np.amin(data[key], axis=0).tolist()
result[attribute] = accessor
return result
def generate_array_accessor(data, buffer_view, offset=None, count=None, name=None):
count = len(data) if count is None else count
dtype, shape = data.dtype, data.shape
accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape[1:])
result = gltf.Accessor(buffer_view, offset, count, accessorType, componentType, name=name)
return result
def generate_structured_array_buffer_views(data, buffer, target, offset=None, name=None):
name = "{key}" if name is None else name
offset = 0 if offset is None else offset
length = data.nbytes
stride = data.itemsize
result = {}
for key, value in data.dtype.fields.items():
dtype, delta = value
dtype, shape = subtype(dtype)
accessorType, componentType = from_np_type(dtype, shape)
buffer_view = gltf.BufferView(buffer, offset+delta, length-delta, stride, target, name=name.format(key=key))
result[key] = buffer_view
return result
def generate_array_buffer_view(data, buffer, target, offset=None, name=None):
offset = 0 if offset is None else offset
length = data.nbytes
stride = None
result = gltf.BufferView(buffer, offset, length, stride, target, name=name)
return result
def byteLength(buffers):
return sum(map(lambda buffer: buffer.nbytes, buffers))
def numpy_to_gltf(vertex_data, index_data, gltf_path, bin_path):
mesh = gltf.Mesh([], name="Default Mesh")
document = gltf.Document.from_mesh(mesh)
buffers = [vertex_data, index_data]
buffer = gltf.Buffer(byteLength(buffers), uri=os.path.relpath(bin_path, os.path.dirname(gltf_path)), name="Default Buffer")
offset = 0
vertex_buffer_views = generate_structured_array_buffer_views(vertex_data, buffer, gltf.BufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset=offset, name="{key} Buffer View")
offset += vertex_data.nbytes
index_buffer_view = generate_array_buffer_view(index_data, buffer, gltf.BufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset=offset, name="Index Buffer View")
offset += index_data.nbytes
vertex_accessors = generate_structured_array_accessors(vertex_data, vertex_buffer_views, name="{key} Accessor")
index_accessor = generate_array_accessor(index_data, index_buffer_view, name="Index Accessor")
primitive = gltf.Primitive(vertex_accessors, index_accessor, None, gltf.PrimitiveMode.TRIANGLES)
return document, buffers
def save(gltf_path, bin_path, document, buffers):
data = document.togltf()
with open(gltf_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
with open(bin_path, 'wb') as f:
for buffer in buffers:
def rect(w=1.0, h=1.0):
vertex_data = np.zeros(4, dtype = [
("position", np.float32, 3),
("normal", np.float32, 3),
("texCoord0", np.float32, 2),
("color", np.float32, 4),
w_half, h_half = w/2.0, h/2.0
vertex_data["position"] = [(-w_half, -h_half, 0), (-w_half, +h_half, 0), (+w_half, -h_half, 0), (+w_half, +h_half, 0)]
vertex_data["normal"] = [(0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1)]
vertex_data["texCoord0"] = [(0, 0), (0, +1), (+1, 0), (+1, +1)]
vertex_data["color"] = [(1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1)]
index_data = np.array([0,1,2,3,2,1], dtype=np.uint16)
return vertex_data, index_data
def main():
vertex_data, index_data = rect()
gltf_path = "rect.gltf"
bin_path = "rect.bin"
document, buffers = numpy_to_gltf(vertex_data, index_data, gltf_path, bin_path)
save(gltf_path, bin_path, document, buffers)
if __name__ == "__main__":