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Webserver on rpi3

Open Blackbeard25 opened this issue 5 years ago • 7 comments

I am unable to access the webserver or view the images recorded. using a rpi 3B running raspbian lite

Blackbeard25 avatar Mar 13 '19 04:03 Blackbeard25

  • Any errors or warnings when starting autowx2? Any error or warnings when running and trying to access the webserver?
  • Did you configure the webserver port in the config file?
  • When trying to access the webserver, whar is the result (blank page, error?
  • are you trying to access it from a local machine or a remote location?

filipsPL avatar Mar 13 '19 09:03 filipsPL

I am trying to access it from a machine on the local network, no errors appear, I left the port number the same, the error was connection refused

Also. Where do you have it set to save the images on the Pi?

Blackbeard25 avatar Mar 13 '19 14:03 Blackbeard25

Hey @Blackbeard25

please share your with us.

The images will be saved on depence what you have set in the config file. Take a look here

SA7BNT avatar Mar 13 '19 15:03 SA7BNT

@SA7BNT Here is my I got a image output but but no image, just the map overlay. And there are no wav files where there are supposed to be

# autowx2 - config file
# variables used by autowx2

# baseDir is taken from this script
# do not change, run to configure
from basedir_conf import *

# satellites to record
# for list of active satellites and used frequences, see

satellitesData = {
    'NOAA-18': {
        'freq': '137912500',
        'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
        'priority': 2},
    'NOAA-15': {
        'freq': '137620000',
        'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
        'priority': 2},
    'NOAA-19': {
        'freq': '137100000',
        'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
        'priority': 2},
#    'ISS': {
#        #'freq': '145800000',  # FM U/v VOICE Repeater (Worldwide) and FM SSTV downlink (Worldwide) [OK]
#        'freq': '143625000',  # FM VHF-1 downlink. Main Russian communications channel. Often active over Moskow. [ ]
#        #'freq': '145825000', # APRS -- AX.25 1200 Bd AFSK Packet Radio (Worldwide) Downlink [ ]
#        'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
#        'priority': 1},
#    'Radiosonde': {		# meteo balloons launched twice a day, monitored for two hours
#        'freq': '98796500',
#        'processWith': 'modules/radiosonde/',
#        'fixedTime': '20 0,12 * * *',
#        'fixedDuration': 7200,
#        'priority': 1},
    #'FOX-1A': {  #
        #'freq': '145980000',
        #'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
        #'priority': 4},
    #'FOX-1D': {  #
        #'freq': '145880000',
        #'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
        #'priority': 4},
    #'FOX-1B': {  #
        #'freq': '145960000',
        #'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
        #'priority': 4},


# priority time margin - time margin between two overlapping transits with different priorities, in seconds
priorityTimeMargin = 240

# minimal elevation of pass to capture satellite
minElev = 10

# skip first n seconds of the pass
skipFirst = 10

# skip last n seconds of the pass
skipLast = 10

# staion information
# lon: positive values for W, negative for E
stationLat = '52.8409064'
stationLon = '109.828223'
stationAlt = '650'
stationName = 'Marsden Sask'

# dongle gain
dongleGain = '49.6'

# Kill all rtl_ related processes after/berofr recordings?
# This should be enabled when the user doesn't use another instances which may run rtl software

cleanupRtl = True

# where to place the www data (static html pages)
wwwDir=baseDir + 'var/www/'

# recording direcotry - where to put recorded files, processed images etc. - the core
recordingDir = baseDir + "recordings/"         # will goto recording dir in local dir
#recordingDir = wwwDir + "recordings/"		# will go to www dir

# location of the HTML file with a list of next passes
htmlNextPassList = wwwDir + 'nextpass.tmp'

# location of the Gantt chart file with a plot of next passes; PNG or SVG file extension possible
ganttNextPassList = wwwDir + 'nextpass.png'

# WWW root path - where is your main index.html file
# this could be:
# / - for page in the root www directory, eg.
# /~filipsPL/ - for page located in filipsPL's home directory
# file:///home/filipsPL/github/autowx2/var/www/ - for files stored locally in the given local directory


# galleries to include in the static index page
# 1 = inclcude, 0 = don't include
includeGalleryNoaa=1        # NOAA recordings
includeGalleryISS=0         # ISS recordings
includeGalleryMeteor=1      # Meteor recordings
includeGalleryLogs=1        # logs in plain text
includeGalleryDump1090=0    # dump1090 data

# port at which webserver will be listening
webInterfacePort = 5010

# script tha will be used whle waiting for the next pass; set False if we just want to sleep
# by default, this script will get the parameter of duration of the time to be run and the recent dongleShift
scriptToRunInFreeTime = False				# does nothing
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" 	# APRS monitor
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # radiosonde tracker, see
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # APRS iGate,

# pymultimonaprs must be installed, see:
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/"

#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" 	# monitor traffic on 433 MHz; see: rtl_433

### Logging to file (enter the path) or False to disable
# loggingDir = False
loggingDir = recordingDir + "/logs/"

# Dongle PPM shift, hopefully this will change to reflect different PPM on freq
dongleShift = '0'

# wether to turn bias t power on (i.e., for LNA)
# see: rtl_fm --help | grep "-T"
# biast=""
# biast="-T"

tleDir = baseDir + 'var/tle/'
tleFile = 'all.txt'

tleFileName = tleDir + tleFile

# dongle shift file
dongleShiftFile = baseDir + "var/dongleshift.txt"

# dongle calibration program
# should return the dongle ppm shift

calibrationTool = False # don't calibrate the dongle, use old/fixed shift
#calibrationTool = baseDir + "bin/"         # uses predefined GSM channel
#calibrationTool = baseDir + "bin/"     # check for the best GSM channel and calibrates

# DERIVATIVES #############################

# latlonalt for use with wxmap
latlonalt = "%s/%s/%s" % (stationLat, -1 * float(stationLon), stationAlt)

Blackbeard25 avatar Mar 13 '19 18:03 Blackbeard25

What is in the logfile? To find under /recordings/logs/

What kind of reciver are you using? Why not calibrate if it is a RTL DVB-T dongle??

Here is my conf autowx2_conf.txt

You accept the wxtoimg licence after install?? If not run wxtoimg from terminal and accept.

The wav will be deleted after noaa_process

SA7BNT avatar Mar 13 '19 20:03 SA7BNT

I have edited line 459 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_socketio/ to host=''. Then it started working, I had the same issue before.

Akito01 avatar Apr 25 '19 11:04 Akito01

same issue here but I have no usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_socketio/ file.

All required python modules are correctly installed.

iw5ejm avatar Jun 02 '19 21:06 iw5ejm