autowx2 copied to clipboard
Webserver on rpi3
I am unable to access the webserver or view the images recorded. using a rpi 3B running raspbian lite
- Any errors or warnings when starting autowx2? Any error or warnings when running and trying to access the webserver?
- Did you configure the webserver port in the config file?
- When trying to access the webserver, whar is the result (blank page, error?
- are you trying to access it from a local machine or a remote location?
I am trying to access it from a machine on the local network, no errors appear, I left the port number the same, the error was connection refused
Also. Where do you have it set to save the images on the Pi?
Hey @Blackbeard25
please share your with us.
The images will be saved on depence what you have set in the config file. Take a look here
@SA7BNT Here is my I got a image output but but no image, just the map overlay. And there are no wav files where there are supposed to be
# autowx2 - config file
# variables used by autowx2
# baseDir is taken from this script
# do not change, run to configure
from basedir_conf import *
# satellites to record
# for list of active satellites and used frequences, see
satellitesData = {
'NOAA-18': {
'freq': '137912500',
'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
'priority': 2},
'NOAA-15': {
'freq': '137620000',
'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
'priority': 2},
'NOAA-19': {
'freq': '137100000',
'processWith': 'modules/noaa/',
'priority': 2},
# 'ISS': {
# #'freq': '145800000', # FM U/v VOICE Repeater (Worldwide) and FM SSTV downlink (Worldwide) [OK]
# 'freq': '143625000', # FM VHF-1 downlink. Main Russian communications channel. Often active over Moskow. [ ]
# #'freq': '145825000', # APRS -- AX.25 1200 Bd AFSK Packet Radio (Worldwide) Downlink [ ]
# 'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
# 'priority': 1},
# 'Radiosonde': { # meteo balloons launched twice a day, monitored for two hours
# 'freq': '98796500',
# 'processWith': 'modules/radiosonde/',
# 'fixedTime': '20 0,12 * * *',
# 'fixedDuration': 7200,
# 'priority': 1},
#'FOX-1A': { #
#'freq': '145980000',
#'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
#'priority': 4},
#'FOX-1D': { #
#'freq': '145880000',
#'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
#'priority': 4},
#'FOX-1B': { #
#'freq': '145960000',
#'processWith': 'modules/iss/',
#'priority': 4},
# priority time margin - time margin between two overlapping transits with different priorities, in seconds
priorityTimeMargin = 240
# minimal elevation of pass to capture satellite
minElev = 10
# skip first n seconds of the pass
skipFirst = 10
# skip last n seconds of the pass
skipLast = 10
# staion information
# lon: positive values for W, negative for E
stationLat = '52.8409064'
stationLon = '109.828223'
stationAlt = '650'
stationName = 'Marsden Sask'
# dongle gain
dongleGain = '49.6'
# Kill all rtl_ related processes after/berofr recordings?
# This should be enabled when the user doesn't use another instances which may run rtl software
cleanupRtl = True
# where to place the www data (static html pages)
wwwDir=baseDir + 'var/www/'
# recording direcotry - where to put recorded files, processed images etc. - the core
recordingDir = baseDir + "recordings/" # will goto recording dir in local dir
#recordingDir = wwwDir + "recordings/" # will go to www dir
# location of the HTML file with a list of next passes
htmlNextPassList = wwwDir + 'nextpass.tmp'
# location of the Gantt chart file with a plot of next passes; PNG or SVG file extension possible
ganttNextPassList = wwwDir + 'nextpass.png'
# WWW root path - where is your main index.html file
# this could be:
# / - for page in the root www directory, eg.
# /~filipsPL/ - for page located in filipsPL's home directory
# file:///home/filipsPL/github/autowx2/var/www/ - for files stored locally in the given local directory
# galleries to include in the static index page
# 1 = inclcude, 0 = don't include
includeGalleryNoaa=1 # NOAA recordings
includeGalleryISS=0 # ISS recordings
includeGalleryMeteor=1 # Meteor recordings
includeGalleryLogs=1 # logs in plain text
includeGalleryDump1090=0 # dump1090 data
# port at which webserver will be listening
webInterfacePort = 5010
# script tha will be used whle waiting for the next pass; set False if we just want to sleep
# by default, this script will get the parameter of duration of the time to be run and the recent dongleShift
scriptToRunInFreeTime = False # does nothing
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # APRS monitor
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # radiosonde tracker, see
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # APRS iGate,
# pymultimonaprs must be installed, see:
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/"
#scriptToRunInFreeTime = baseDir + "bin/" # monitor traffic on 433 MHz; see: rtl_433
### Logging to file (enter the path) or False to disable
# loggingDir = False
loggingDir = recordingDir + "/logs/"
# Dongle PPM shift, hopefully this will change to reflect different PPM on freq
dongleShift = '0'
# wether to turn bias t power on (i.e., for LNA)
# see: rtl_fm --help | grep "-T"
# biast=""
# biast="-T"
tleDir = baseDir + 'var/tle/'
tleFile = 'all.txt'
tleFileName = tleDir + tleFile
# dongle shift file
dongleShiftFile = baseDir + "var/dongleshift.txt"
# dongle calibration program
# should return the dongle ppm shift
calibrationTool = False # don't calibrate the dongle, use old/fixed shift
#calibrationTool = baseDir + "bin/" # uses predefined GSM channel
#calibrationTool = baseDir + "bin/" # check for the best GSM channel and calibrates
# DERIVATIVES #############################
# latlonalt for use with wxmap
latlonalt = "%s/%s/%s" % (stationLat, -1 * float(stationLon), stationAlt)
What is in the logfile? To find under /recordings/logs/
What kind of reciver are you using? Why not calibrate if it is a RTL DVB-T dongle??
Here is my conf autowx2_conf.txt
You accept the wxtoimg licence after install?? If not run wxtoimg from terminal and accept.
The wav will be deleted after noaa_process
I have edited line 459 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_socketio/ to host=''. Then it started working, I had the same issue before.
same issue here but I have no usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_socketio/ file.
All required python modules are correctly installed.