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Meteor-Module: Add -i parameter for passes
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Sometimes, processed pictures from Meteor are top down. mlrpt provides an -i option, to invert the pass. Is is possible, as for NOAA, to implement this into the bash ?
Better than doing a handstand in front of the screen, hi hi.
On 29.01.19 15:03, OK1SLM wrote:
How to enlarge pictures at Meteor-M2 is it somewhere in mlrptrc?
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at /modules/meteor there is a meteor.conf file. Just a # in front of "resizeimageto=1024" (last line) and you're done with full resolution again.
Yes, thank you, I've already come to that.
How do we know if for the given pass -i
is needed or not?
Synthesizer Frequency Error correction factor. This is in ppm (parts per million) but it has to be an integer number. Maximum +/- value for sanity checks is 100. +49
Synthesizer Frequency Error correction factor. This is in ppm (parts per million) but it has to be an integer number. Maximum +/- value for sanity checks is 100. 49 ?
it stopped me from doing meteor-m2 images
Ahoj Libor,
are you sure, that you have 49ppm Offset of your SDR ? Please double-check with a local radio-station, as they are quite accurate.
My good old Terratec SDR has an offset of 8 ppm at the requested frequency. 49 seems to be way to far.
Best Wishes, Pozdravy, Wilm, DL4OCH
On 11.02.19 22:22, OK1SLM wrote:
it stopped me from doing meteor-m2 images
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please use bin/
script - it will give you a quite accurate value of your offset.
použijte prosím
skript - dá vám poměrně přesnou hodnotu vašeho offsetu.
one small problem my antenna preamplifier has a GSM band filter
Ahoj Libor, are you sure, that you have 49ppm Offset of your SDR ? Please double-check with a local radio-station, as they are quite accurate. My good old Terratec SDR has an offset of 8 ppm at the requested frequency. 49 seems to be way to far. Best Wishes, Pozdravy, Wilm, DL4OCH … On 11.02.19 22:22, OK1SLM wrote: it stopped me from doing meteor-m2 images — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#65 (comment)>, or mute the thread
Hi, images from NOAA are doing fine
one small problem my antenna preamplifier has a GSM band filter
so you may want to remove the band filter (if possible) and the use kalibrate
for some time (like 10-20 measurements over 1-2 hours) and take the average of the offset.
Reinstall RPI2: Debian 9 RTL-SDR Autowx2 mrlpt -1.4 Change RTL receiver: RTL2832SDR R828D TCXO 0,5 PPM
still black pictures or no pictures Look at the site there is a log
Your setup will not work. Even a RPi 3B+ will not work with mlrp, as the computing power is far too low. If your going to decode in 3 steps:
- record a wav-file
- demodulate it to a soft-QPSK file
- decode it
It will take on a RPI3 approx. 1 hour.
Best, Wilm, DL4OCH
On 13.02.19 11:17, OK1SLM wrote:
Reinstall RPI2: Debian 9 RTL-SDR Autowx2 mrlpt -1.4 Change RTL receiver: RTL2832SDR R828D TCXO 0,5 PPM
still black pictures or no pictures Look at the site there is a log
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Vaše nastavení nebude fungovat. Dokonce i RPi 3B + nebude pracovat s mlrp, protože výpočetní výkon je příliš nízký. Pokud se chystáte dekódovat ve třech krocích: 1. zaznamenat wav soubor 2. demodulovat do soft-QPSK souboru 3. dekódovat to bude trvat cca RPI3. 1 hodina. Nejlepší, Wilm, DL4OCH ... Na 13.02.19 11:17, OK1SLM napsal: Přeinstalovat RPI2: Debian 9 RTL-SDR Autowx2 mrlpt -1,4 Změnit RTL přijímač: RTL2832SDR R828D TCXO 0,5 PPM stále černé obrázky nebo žádné obrázky Podívejte se na web je log www. < > - Dostáváte to proto, že jste napsali vlákno. Odpovězte na tento email přímo, podívejte se na GitHub < # 65 (comment) > nebo vypněte podproces < >.
And some idea? Now I put it on RPI3 B for the future RPI3 B +