Results 199 comments of Filip Š

Relicensing as GPLv3 and Lax would be needed in case we make ZeroNet more modularized (#2063) in the future. In this case, ZeroNet libraries (protocol handling and other more low-level...

@cclauss In this case, please switch to "GPLv3+ and Lax". If you do this, and if your code is appropriate for usage as ZeroNet libraries, it will be probably licensed...

@cclauss Post only mentions currently incompatible licences. But there are also some MIT and BSD-licenced dependencies. Also, reason for using MIT/BSD is that it is more compatible with other licenses...

You probably need to use `python3` instead of just `python`.

How did you mount `zeronet.conf` file? I think that Docker doesn't support mounting files so it failed. You can instead just specify `--ui_ip` as command argument, like in [official Docker...

I'm currently creating a plugin that supports ENS. Note that it might take some time because library currently doesn't support a new ENS `contenthash` format. It needs to be...

I also think that. But which encoding and format should be used (see previously linked PRs)? Base58?

This is an interesting idea and I quite like it. However, because of the problems that were already written by @Thunder33345, this can't fully functional DNS system and shouldn't be...

> Also please restrict this feature to unique, not registered domain zones. Or even better, allow users to have any domain zone locally, but limit them when publishing domain list...