helios-web copied to clipboard
A web-based framework to visualize dynamic networks in real-time.
Test the preliminary version of Helios Web here:
Light Version | Dark Version | |
No Density | Light | Dark |
Density | Light & Density | Dark & Density |
You an drag and drop your own network in gml, xnet or gexf formats.
Helios Web is a web-based library to visualize dynamic networks in real-time. Helios-web is under active development and aims to provide a simple API and optimized implementation to be integrated into other systems and render and layout large networks. This is the successor to the Networks 3D project and the Networks Web project.
Check out the demo https://filipinascimento.github.io/helios-web/docs/example/
Documentation now available at https://filipinascimento.github.io/helios-web/docs/api/
More demos:
Network | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Watts-Strogatz | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Facebook Egos | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Rewired Voronoi | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
US Airports | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Global Airports | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Protein-protein | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Erdos collaboration | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Europe roads | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Wiki Sciences* | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
Wiki Sciences (small) | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
APS Citations* | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
COVID Citations* | light | light+2D | dark | dark+2D | dark+blend | dark+blend+2D |
* huge, may need a good CPU/GPU (press space to enable the layout algorithm)
First install packages
npm install
npm run build
Development and testing
To test the environment use npm run dev
Then go to http://localhost:8080/docs/example/
in your browser (or use the provided hostname and port).
To use it in your project you can load it as a module in modern browsers via skypack:
<script type="module">
import {Helios} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/helios-web?min";
// This will be fixed in the next release
// Nodes are dictionaries (any key can be used as node properties)
let nodes = {
"0": {
label: "Node 0",
"1": {
label: "Node 1",
"2": {
label: "Node 2",
// Edges are arrays of node ids
let edges = [
source: "0",
target: "1",
source: "1",
target: "2",
source: "2",
target: "0",
let helios = new Helios({
elementID: "netviz", // ID of the element to render the network in
nodes: nodes, // Dictionary of nodes
edges: edges, // Array of edges
use2D: false, // Choose between 2D or 3D layouts
You can find a bare-minimal example at https://jsfiddle.net/yatk8jcb/14/ and a more advanced example at https://jsfiddle.net/filsilva/djfomsgw/69/ (Zachary's karate club network).
Full documentation is available at https://filipinascimento.github.io/helios-web/docs/api/
Helios web is also available as a npm package:
npm install helios-web
then you can use it in your project by importing using the same syntax as above:
import {Helios} from "helios-web";
Citing Helios-Web
If you use Helios-Web in your research, please include the following citation in your publication:
Silva, F.N. (2023). Helios-Web (Version 0.7.9) [Computer software].
GitHub. http://heliosweb.io. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8251049
Note: A paper on Helios-Web is in progress. We will provide an updated citation once the paper is published.