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Use JS promises with core.async.

= Current status

Merged into CLJS, please refer to for the official guide.

= Promise interop Filipe Silva 2019-10-03 :type: guides :toc: macro :icons: font

ifdef::env-github,env-browser[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]


[[notes]] == Notes

This repository follows up on a discussion had on the Clojurians clojurescript slack channel where it was noted that questions about promises were a recurring topic.

David Nolen provided a macro (provided here almost verbatim) and remarked that it could be a candidate for the core.async.interop namespace along with a post on the topic.

This proposal is being tracked in

Meanwhile I'm putting this repository up with some tests and what I imagine could be a guide in (except for this "Notes" section). You can also get it on


:dependencies [[org.clojure/core.async "0.4.500"] [async-interop "0.1.4"]],


(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [go]] [async-interop.interop :refer [<p!]])

[[using-javascript-promises-directly]] == Using JavaScript promises directly

Promises are a common way of handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript. You can just as easily use them in ClojureScript by calling the promise methods.

JavaScript: [source,javascript]

Promise.resolve(42) .then(val => console.log(val));

ClojureScript: [source,clojure]

(.then (js/Promise.resolve 42) #(js/console.log %))

However, chained promise methods in ClojureScript results in cascading code. Using the[thread-first macro] we can can get back to more elegant code.

JavaScript: [source,clojure]

Promise.resolve(42) .then(val => console.log(val)) .catch(err => console.log(err)) .finally(() => console.log('cleanup'));

ClojureScript: [source,javascript]

(.finally (.catch (.then (js/Promise.resolve 42) #(js/console.log %)) #(js/console.log %)) #(js/console.log "cleanup"))

; same as above (-> (js/Promise.resolve 42) (.then #(js/console.log %)) (.catch #(js/console.log %)) (.finally #(js/console.log "cleanup")))

Promise-heavy code that uses await results in more complicated code structures that aren't very friendly. Take this example from[Puppeteer usage]:

JavaScript: [source,javascript]

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); try { await page.goto(''); await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'}); } catch (err) { console.log(err); }

await browser.close(); })();

ClojureScript: [source,clojure]

(def puppeteer (js/require "puppeteer"))

(-> (.launch puppeteer) (.then (fn [browser] (-> (.newPage browser) (.then (fn [page] (-> (.goto page "") (.then #(.screenshot page #js{:path "screenshot.png"})) (.catch #(js/console.log %)) (.then #(.close browser)))))))))

To tame this sort of code we turn to core.async.

[[using-promises-with-core-async]] == Using Promises with core.async

ClojureScript offers excellent facilities for async programming in[core.async]. One especially handy tool is the <p! macro, that consumes a promise inside a[go block].

Using go blocks allows us to write code that looks synchronous even though it's actually asynchronous, exactly like await and async do in JavaScript.

ClojureScript: [source,clojure]

(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [go]] [cljs.core.async.interop :refer-macros [<p!]])

(def puppeteer (js/require "puppeteer"))

(go (let [browser (<p! (.launch puppeteer)) page (<p! (.newPage browser))] (try (<p! (.goto page "")) (<p! (.screenshot page #js{:path "screenshot.png"})) (catch js/Error err (js/console.log (ex-cause err)))) (.close browser)))

This is just scratching the surface. core.async gives you very powerful queue-like channels that can do much more than handle one-off promises.

You can read more about core-async in the[repository],[rationale],[code walkthrough], and[blog post].