- [x] Add Safari modal - [x] Add WKWebView - [x] .2 and 1 voice rate - [x] Refresh audio files in iOS player - [x] Sleep timer - [x]...
- [x] Enable [SwiftFormat]( - [ ] Store.voiceRate be changed as Float - [ ] Check builds in pre-commit hook [SwiftLint SwiftFormat Danger Sourcery SwiftGen and Git Hook](
- [x] Show playback rate - [x] Show current time and video duration
- [x] Start/restart PeerListener in ReaderTranslatorMac - [x] Show the available services in ReaderTranslatorPlayer - [x] Show connection status in ReaderTranslatorMac - [x] Show connection status in ReaderTranslatorPlayer - [x]...
- [x] Show bookmarks with counter - [x] Show Longman sentences with voice for each phrase - [x] Show info in Longman by click on a phrase - [x] Show...
Voicing selected words and phrases from Longman if there are there rather than using AVSpeechSynthesisVoice - [ ] Replace URLSession.shared.dataTask with publisher - [ ] Cache Longman info - [...
for Safari extension only - [x] Show video - [x] Show subtitles - [x] Highlight current phrase - [x] Send the current phrase to the app when stopping the video...
[Apple Cranks Speech-to-Text Up to Xcode 11]( [Realtime Video Closed Captioning in SwiftUI]( [Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML](
[OS X System Preference Links]( [Changing the default text-to-speech voice]( ~/Library/Preferences/ SelectedVoiceID SelectedVoiceCreator SelectedVoiceName Yelena Siri - rus Nora Siri - us Martha Siri - uk