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Discuss which services and tools this repo advertises.

Open johnnymatthews opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

There's a lot of tools and services that advertises. Some are built by PL, others aren't. It's now getting to the point where we need to define a rule for what projects get listed, and how they are advertised.

Pages where this is mostly a concern:

In terms of order, alphabetical makes the most sense (other orders like usefulness get a bit subjective). It'd also be a good idea to split PL projects from community project, or stuff made by other companies.

Finally, for placement: we could have a Tools page that lists available tools and services in one handy place, then just point to that page (or subheaders within the page) whenever we make a callout to something. The downside of this Tools page approach is that it can cause the reader to bounce around a few internal links to eventually get to the thing that they want.

johnnymatthews avatar Jul 29 '21 15:07 johnnymatthews