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Closing Nested Modals Disables Page Scrolling
Package Version
Laravel Version
Livewire Version
PHP Version
PHP 8.2.11
Problem description
When opening a nested modal, scroll lock is lost on the backdrop, allowing you to scroll the backdrop. After closing the nested modal (using the cancel button, x icon, or clicking off the modal) scroll lock is resumed on the backdrop. After closing the parent (or first) modal, page scrolling becomes disabled until refreshing the page or navigating away.
There are no console errors and this problem seems to occur on all browsers when using npm run dev
or npm run build
with vite
Expected behavior
When opening a nested modal (or slide-over), scroll lock on the backdrop should not be lost. After closing all modals, you should be able to resume scrolling the page without having to refresh or navigate away.
Steps to reproduce
- Install the reproduction repository locally
- Run
composer install
- Run the migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate --seed
- Create a filament user
php artisan make:filament-user
- Run
npm run build
- Login using your credentials
- Navigate to the orders table and set the number of visible order to "all" so that the page scrolls
- Click "New order"
- Click "+" suffix action on either the product or customer input
- Observe the backdrop scrolls
- Close all modals
- Observe the page won't scroll
- Observer no console errors
- Refresh the page and observe the page is scrollable again
Reproduction repository
Relevant log output
No response
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- You can donate funding to this issue. We receive the money once the issue is completed & confirmed by you.
- 100% of the funding will be distributed between the Filament core team to run all aspects of the project.
- Thank you in advance for helping us make maintenance sustainable!
i also have this issue.
This is an Alpine.js bug, so I've replaced their scroll handling implementation with a separate library
I've had to temporarily revert the fix ( since it caused issues with modals on iOS (they were no longer scrollable).
Will look into using this fork:
I'm having this problem too. is there any news on a fix for it please?
@david-lobo I haven't found the time to work on this issue yet. If you want to help fixing it, try using the scroll lock package fork I posted above and test if any of the iOS issues still occur.
Let me know if you want to work on this and what your findings are. 🙂
i think this workaround is best if you don't want to preserve the scroll state, just dispatch a page reload event after closing the last modal
FilamentView::registerRenderHook( 'panels::body.end', static fn () => '<script>window.addEventListener("reload", () => window.location.reload())</script>', );
Dispatch a page reload after create action for example
Tables\Actions\CreateAction::make()->after(function ($data,$record) { $this->dispatch('reload'); })
That's the same as just doing a redirect really from the action
Any solution here yet?
In the meantime, is there a way to trigger a page refresh when the parent modal closes?
Any solution here yet?
In the meantime, is there a way to trigger a page refresh when the parent modal closes?
Do you find any temporary solution ?
Having the same problem right now :)
If you want to help fixing it, try using the scroll lock package fork I posted above and test if any of the iOS issues still occur.
Alright, I used the suggested fork body-scroll-lock-upgrade
instead of body-scroll-lock
and uncommented all changes in your initial PR for the modal js and blade view. Sadly, this fork still has the iOS Issue, where you can't scroll the modal. It fixes the alpine bug though. :/
Tested on an iPhone 15 Pro.
Thank you for playing a part there in testing, it is appreciated. Not sure where to go from here then
Thank you for playing a part there in testing, it is appreciated. Not sure where to go from here then
Would it be possible to contribute to alpine, if that is a known issue there?
Potentially, I don't know if I have the knowledge to do so but we can look into it
Today I asked a frontend dev, and he said that (with the alpine version) this could be a scoping issue. Because both modals use "isOpen", this could lead to scoping issues when dealing with multiple instances. Each modal should have its own variable.
Maybe this would be a soultion.
Just spent 3 hours figuring this out.
It's far from ideal but "working" on Windows and iPhone.
I implemented this commit :
Overriden this view : /resources/views/vendor/filament/components/modal/index.blade.php To add a basic check to disable the JS Scroll Body Locks if IOS.
isOpen: false,
livewire: null,
isIOS: /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream,
close: function () {
this.isOpen = false
new CustomEvent('modal-closed', { id: '{{ $id }}' }),
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('fi-modal-open').length || this.isIOS) {
open: function () {
this.isOpen = true
if(!this.isIOS) {
new CustomEvent('modal-opened', { id: '{{ $id }}' }),
That sounds like a good workaround, I would welcome a PR
Addressed by @wychoong in #13740