I am getting fairly consistently decent results by adding the `-noautoscale` flag. Same with the _long_ manual `exec` command. I'm not sure which one is better or why, and I...
duplicate of
Another easy-to-use go module to do cross-platform keychain interactions is
which features are missing these days?
~this appears to be fixed in synergy v3, but it would still be great to get working with barrier~ never mind, esc works as expected, but ctrl still does not
I'm having the same problem, but it only appears to affect videos for me. It looks fine on the mobile app, but the web app groups them into the wrong...
I'm running into the same problem. I'm only doing this for a single domain. I've tried incognito and it's always the same error. Where is there an option for 3rd...
Running into this as well. My problem comes from which assumes that the base url has the literal string `artifactory` in the name, but this is only the case...
Any update on this? Or workarounds to use for now?
@scambier I made a few changes and I think I got pdf.js working on a small number of files. I added a 10 second delay, but with a large number...