RInno copied to clipboard
I get a blank screen
following on closed issue https://github.com/ficonsulting/RInno/issues/103
I deleted the shinyapp command to avoid running the shiny app twice but I still get a blank screen. What should I do.
Please do reply.
I got same issue . after generating nativefier app , it opened for firstime and now only sowing white screen . i checked with other system too same issue
I am experiencing a similar issue - have removed shinyapp command like @vikram-rawat. My issue is subtly different as the installed App works perfectly on the computer that the innoInstaller was built on. However in trying to install using the setup_XXXapp.exe on a new computer I get the blank screen.
Previously I was not having this issue, seems to be since I included the command to stop R when the session ends? Not sure why this would be.
if (!interactive()) {
session$onSessionEnded(function() {
--- Other information that could help
- I am admin on the computer it is working on, not admin on the computer with blank screen app
- R is built and used on computer it is working on, R is installed during app installation on the computer with the blank screen app
I do want to say, the simplicity of the setup and commands of RInno is wonderful, I just wish I could find some examples apps that went through successful executable creation so I could better troubleshoot why it works on one computer and not the other.
Thanks! Jo
@vikram-rawat @analoft I have figured out a fix for my blank-screen issue. Previously I had the ui and server functions in a main app.R file. For the fix I broke those apart into the old Shiny way of ui.R and server.R files. Now I do not understand why that would be an issue, but it is now working for me. Displaying on computers with/without R built originally (built during installation) and with/without admin access.
Hope this helps! Jo
This is what I get after I have splitted my app in 2 parts. It is nothing but the default example shiny app. So I know it works but somehow It doesn't work on Desktop.
@vikram-rawat can you provide your log file? thanks!
@johannauthoff ,could you publish your script? I'm just having the same problem as yours
@rrreisribeiro114 I can publish a dummied version (removing analysis) tonight. Our app is currently under review with a manuscript and until the manuscript is published we are withholding source code release.
In the meantime - I will say that I did not end up using RInno but rather the build-it-yourself from AnalytixWare(http://blog.analytixware.com/2014/03/packaging-your-shiny-app-as-windows.html). I just found it much easier to trouble shoot issues that arose (like that above) using that method. I think RInno has the potentially to be really slick and easy (no having to navigate Portable Apps) but as with all open source there are bound to be some bugs that arise when the masses get their hands on it.
Thanks! Jo
this is my app folder structure , i am still getting same white screen
after creat_app natifier app run first time after that it gave black screen ! it has following code in server.R # Close the app when the session completes if(!interactive()) { session$onSessionEnded(function() { stopApp() q("no") })
I have already shared the CODE with session info on https://github.com/ficonsulting/RInno/issues/103. It's just the basic app that is the default for shiny app in Rstudio. is there anything else you might need with it.
@johannauthoff I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to troubleshoot the issue in time. We're working on a "Debugging" vignette that should help clarify how to work through issues with installed apps. I'd love to hear more about the issue that was blocking you.
No need to say sorry you are already doing a great deal of work for people like us. I can't thank you enough. It's just that I have created like a dozen apps from previous version of Rinno and I love the idea. But somehow the previsous version doesn't work anymore and this one doesn't work as well. It hold me back for some reason.
I would really love to help you out If i knew what the problem was clearly right now I don't know that.
Please come up with the next iteration.
Unfortunately, I am facing the same issue. Has there been a solution / vignette to this yet?
Same problem here. Rinno app works on a different machine but only with R installed, on different machine, the first step of my program (dialog box to select excel) runs, but analysis get stuck and code doesn't run after this. Appearing button could be the cause?
ui = shinyUI(pageWithSidebar( headerPanel('FrNr Analysis'), sidebarPanel( shinyFilesButton('file1', 'Select file', 'Please select a file', FALSE),br(), uiOutput('buttonsUI'), br(), uiOutput('downloadUI'), actionButton( inputId = "quit", onclick = "setTimeout(function(){window.close();},500);", label = "Quit") ), mainPanel( plotOutput("plot2"), tableOutput('readytable') ) ) )
I've got the same issues: First launch fine. and white screen after. My guess:
The electron browser is starting before the shiny app start and does not refresh. When I open the the app in chrome: the app is running well
My DIY solution (before a real solution)
before using compile_iss()
and after create_app()
add in the file: utils\launch_app.R, line 87 (before # start electron
(3 second for me to be sure, 1 could be enough)
I works for me :)
Thanks a lot FIconsulting for this marvelous packages!
I was facing the same issue with electron browser. What i have done as an alternative is, I have changed the configuration of this exe to run in chrome browser. You can use any browser - Chrome, Firefox or IE to launch your application. What you need to do is, just follow the below steps:
- Go to utils folder in your working directory
- Open config file
- Find "user_browser" at the end of this script.
- Update electron value with your desired browser.
Thanks Vatsal Patel
I am facing the same issue here. none of the above solutions are working :S
Can you please share some more details of your application and also the steps you followed?
@Dripdrop12 when you have time- @vatsal743 is correct:
The electron browser is starting before the shiny app start and does not refresh.
Should increase wait time or server response.
Adding the extra time worked for me. What a simple solution. I agree, probably only need 1 or 2 seconds, but 3 seconds ensures it works almost every time. There has been only one time since implementing this quick-fix where it still gave me a blank white screen, so I had to close it, manually stop the R processes via Task Manager, and then restart. It's only happened 1 time so far and not sure why it did so.
Could it have anything to do with there being 2 R sessions that are launched when the app runs? My code doesn't call on shiny to launch the app, so not sure where the extra session is coming from.