hsac-fitnesse-fixtures copied to clipboard
Client certificate not sent to the server.
First of all, thanks for this fixture. When I try to send the client certificate, it doesn't seen to be sent to the server. On the server side, I use Apache httpd to set the client cert in "SSL_CLIENT_CERT" header and this header is empty (null). The Apache https configuration is correct as I can test this with curl command.
` !define POST_BODY { {{{ Test Message }}} }
|script |http client setup | |$originalClient=|get original client| |set client certificate from| files/test-cert.p12 |with password | changeme |key password | changeme | |configure http test |
|script |http test | |set content type|text/plain; Charset=UTF-8 | |post |${POST_BODY}| to| https://dummyhost.example.com/api?isTest=true| |check |response status|200 | |show |response | `
try changing files/test-cert.p12 to http://files/test-cert.p12 or provide a full path to the certificate
@tcnh I tried your suggestion. Unfortunately, it is still not sent.
`User-Agent: nl.hsac.fitnesse.fixture.util.HttpClient
Hmm, I think adding your P12 certificate to a JKS keystore may solve your problem..
Could you try:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore test-cert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore test-keystore.jks
and use test-keystore.jks instead of your P12 cert?
Tried that without luck. sorry.