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Reverse Interview Questions for Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist roles


Reverse Interview Questions for Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist roles

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  • Which product(s) or service(s) will I evangelize?
  • If there is many programming languages involve, do I need to focus on one or all of them?
  • What is the enterprise’s culture?
  • Is the career path about meritocracy or seniority?
  • What is the team’s culture?
  • Is it a junior, senior, principal, lead or manager role?
  • What is the career path for that role (possibilities to grow inside the company)?
  • Is it a remote job or do I need to move to a specific location? If so, is there a moving package?
  • If I need to move to a specific location, do I need to go to the office?
  • How the rest of the company sees the work of the evangelist team? Do they understand, and welcome such work?
  • If it’s a remote role, how many people on the team are remote versus people working at the office?
  • If it’s a remote role, is there any issue if I move elsewhere by myself? Where would I still be able to work for you if I move elsewhere?
  • If all the members of the team are not in the same city, how often do they meet in person?
  • How are you defining the role of a Technical Evangelist?
  • What are the goals the team had for this fiscal year?
  • What would be the perfect starting date for the new employee?
  • Would you be able to wait a bit longer after the perfect starting date? If so, how long?
  • Are you expecting an evangelist to work on other tasks while at conferences or to focus on the conference itself (presenting, attending presentations, networking…)?
  • How much travel time compared to other tasks?
  • Are you looking for a developer who will evangelize or an evangelist who has technical skills?
  • What is the target market for the product or service I will evangelize?
  • What is the territory I will cover?
  • What is the salary range?
  • If it’s a startup, is there any equity? If so, how much percentage?
  • What is the salary revision process and within which percentage range?
  • In addition to the salary, what are the benefits (health insurances, 401k, gym membership, cell phone & internet payments…)?
  • How many weeks of vacations per year?
  • If there is a bonus, what is the structure of the bonus (percentage range, and decision criteria)?
  • What hardware will I get?
  • Do I need to work from 8 to 5, or is it up to me to create my schedule?
  • What is the management style of the actual manager?
  • What is the latitude I have to achieve my assigned goals?
  • How will you attest my progress toward my goals (1:1 meetings, formal reports every week or so…)?
  • What are the politics on travelling (food expense limits, flying economy or premium economy…)?
  • While travelling, is there any issue if I extend my stay if I pay for my travel & expense for those extra days (ex.: time off to visit new cities)?
  • What is the average time an employee stay on the team or how long the actual team is working together?
  • Who are the actual members on the team?
  • What kinds of skills or personality would complete the actual team well?
  • Is there any specific project or program I’ll be responsible off?
  • Is there any latitude to bring new ideas on how to achieve the team goals or is everything set in stone?
  • Is the evangelist team part of the marketing or engineering department?
  • Is there a good relationship between the product team and the evangelist one?
  • Is the role involving being a spokesperson with (technical) media?
  • How the product or service is doing right now?
  • How is the relationship with the developer community?
  • Why did you approach me or accepted to make an interview with me?
  • How do I stand compared to the other potential new employee?
  • Is there any reorganization or management’s change in the air?
  • What are you expecting from me in the first three months? In one year? In other words, how do you define success for this role?
  • Are you OK with my personal style and brand (example: jeans & t-shirts)?


  • Review 2014 questions (probably fix typos)
  • Add categories
  • Add more questions