Hi Ray, Yes, as the source code for Rubik’s cube is not publicly available, we implemented it by ourselves according to the information provided in the paper. Thanks, Fatemeh
> _How should I set the data_dir parameter if I already have the semantic_genesis_chest.ct in my directory? Thank you and looking forward to your reply._ You need to set the...
> _Or how can I validate your results in LUNA dataset?_ If you want to directly evaluate the pre-trained Semantic Genesis on LUNA (or any other dataset), you first need...
Hi, Hi, please use the updated link to download our Pytorch model. Also, here is the download [link](https://zenodo.org/record/4625297/files/semantic_genesis_chest_ct.pt?download=1) for your convenience.
We are working on the Licence for releasing our dataset. The link will be updated soon.
Hi, Thanks for your interest in our work. The link to the dataset has been updated; so, you should be able to download it now from the Keras and Pytorch...
>>_How to test the effect of the model, such as the NCC score mentioned in the paper_ If you want to evaluate the pre-trained Semantic Genesis on NCC (or any...
>> _How to visualize the final segmentation result_ After you fine-tuned the pre-trained model on a segmentation target task, you can give the images as input to the target model...
No. The loss should continuously decrease. For preprocessing, we resample data to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] space. We clip the data at 1000 (max) and -1000 (min) thresholds and normalize the...
Hi, Thanks for your interest in our work. We plan on releasing the 3D code as well. Hence, a new update shall be pushed in the near future. Stay tuned!