Fengguo Wei
Fengguo Wei
Yeah, it takes quite some time due to it's component size. One possible solution is to first filter out non-interesting components, only perform analysis on those interested ones. Some idea...
You can limit the analysis time for each component you are interested. Say there are 10 components you are interested for app A. You can give the IDFG building process...
#14 almost done. It's in the develop branch apparently, and I have to add more test.
Duplicate of #14
It should be automatically downloaded when you first time run Argus-SAF
Assigned to @shivapbhusal You can follow following steps to start with: 1. Learn visitor pattern in scala with pattern matching if you don’t already know. One helper link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8618082/visitor-pattern-in-scala 2....
Please give me the apk to check.
I see the problem, For NumberAvtivity, it accidentally assigned the PaymentGateway$2 as the onClickListener which invokes an ICC. I will debug and see why.
Theoretically, yes. However, currently, the explicit value finder only keeps track of constants. You might extend it to track object creation as well.
The cli jar is behind the current head, so there might exist some discrepancies. You can generate a fat jar from your current head by: sbt assembly