F-G Fernandez
F-G Fernandez
Sorry for the late reply! I'll have to review this carefully, by any chance, have you checked https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/transforms.html#torchvision.transforms.RandomPerspective ? I think it would be a good start to try to...
Any update @SiddhantBahuguna ? :)
Hey there :wave: From what I gather here, specifically on Windows env, we need to exclude some versions of shapely? If so, especially if only the version specifier modification isn't...
Any update @matthiasmindee ? :)
Thanks for reporting this @bashirmindee :pray: I've already seen this on pypi, and apparently, it's a common issue. Here is a StackOverflow thread about this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41983209/how-do-i-add-images-to-a-pypi-readme-that-works-on-github
The reason behind this seems to be because we used release attachments for the picture, and thus we can't use the `raw` URL described in the StackOverFlow thread. I'll check...
Hi @nithinreddyy :wave: Thanks for reporting this! There are a few things missing to identify where this comes from. Would you mind sending the full traceback please (there should be...
Thanks for the traceback, it comes from weasyprint then :thinking: About your last message, I think I wasn't very clear: would you mind running this snippet: ``` wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mindee/doctr/main/scripts/collect_env.py #...
Hi @nithinreddyy :wave: Well it's better if we can solve your problem here since it may help others looking for a solution to that :sweat_smile: It is indeed strange, it...
Oh but then the problem was not on the import, but at the installation step for sure. Have you tried my suggestion of following installation instructions? > Anyway, back to...