Frank Filz
Frank Filz
Is there still an issue here?
With the release of 6.0, please verify with 6.0 and if there is still an issue, please open a new issue.
> Hello sir, in response to ganesha v4, I have a couple of questions I would like to ask: > 1, The structure 'state_hdl' which records the state of the...
1. Really the only initialization of state_hdl that is interesting is for files, it includes a pointer to the fsal_obj_handle. It only needs this because originally there was a thought...
1. state_hdl->dir is zeroed, so junction_export and jct_pseudopath are both NULL, exp_root_refcount is set to 0, then export_roots is initialized with glist_init. state_hdl->jct_lock is also initialized. 2. So if junction_export...
1. I may be confused by this question, but state_hdl_init should be the only place initializing the glist_head in question 2. Ganesha's export tree is built in a similar way...
Can we close this now?
Closing, no response in more than 60 days.
Do you have a debug log from this, specifically the FSAL component: LOG { COMPONENTS { FSAL = FULL_DEBUG; } }
Add LOG { COMPONENTS { FSAL = FULL_DEBUG; } } to your config file. You can either re-start, or send SIGHUP to get Ganesha to re-load log (and export) config.