Frank Filz
Frank Filz
nfs-ganesha maintainer here - yes. it would be good to move to nfs-ganesha V3.5, or preferably even V4.0 as we will not be supporting V3.5
This is trivial so I'm just fixing it.
Is there still interest in this patch? If so, please submit via gerrithub.
I hope to tag Ganesha V4.1 this week. If you still wish this patch to go in, it should be submitted to Gerrithub for review ASAP.
Is there still interest in this patch? If so, please submit via gerrithub.
I hope to tag Ganesha V4.1 this week. If you still wish this patch to go in, it should be submitted to Gerrithub for review ASAP.
Do both of the following exist: /ibm/fs2/c/c1 /ibm/fs2/c/c2 When inserting an NFSv4 export into the pseudofs, Ganesha ONLY creates the necessary directories to reach if IF the pseudofs mount point...
Unfortunately I can't test on FSAL_GPFS. Could you enable FULL_DEBUG for EXPORT and FSAL components and give two logs, one for working case, and one for failing case. I think...
I see the functional difference between working and non-working is: ``` conf.txt: Pseudo="/mnt_1/"; working_conf.txt: Pseudo="/mnt_1/abc_de/A"; ``` I.e. non-working has an underscore ('_') while working has a period ('.'). The error...
Manish, So non-working is: ` Export_id=130; Path="/ibm/fs1/"; Pseudo="/mnt_1/"; Export_id=131; Path="/ibm/fs1/"; Pseudo="/mnt_1/"; ` And working is: ` Export_id=132; Path="/ibm/fs1/"; Pseudo="/mnt_1/"; Export_id=133; Path="/ibm/fs1/"; Pseudo="/mnt_1/abc_de/A"; ` Note that in the non-working example, export_id...