Frank Filz
Frank Filz
Closing this due to age, feel free to re-open if it's still of interest and you have explored using a currently supported version of Ganesha (V2.8 or V3 at this...
It's best to create a new issue rather than commenting in a closed one...
In my work on libcephfs and FSAL_CEPH to implement async, I see the lazy I/O stuff. I think this could be investigated as part of that effort. As far as...
I'm not sure what state delegations are currently in the code, this should be re-examined.
We really still need to validate delegations and decide what to do...
Daniel, could you look at verifying delegations with FSAL_CEPH.
Bump to keep live issues on first page.
I'm going to bump this up, perhaps we can dig more into delegations and get a fix in V4.1
Is the Ganesha process still running? A full tcpdump capture of the issue might help in narrowing things down.
OK, I think what will be more useful is some debug: LOG { RPC_Debug_Flags = 0x40; COMPONENTS { TIRPC=DEBUG; DISPATCH=FULL_DEBUG; } } We may need to add additional RPC_Debug_Flags, but...