It's a bug introduced in accessories/fan.js and accessories/garageDoorOpener.js after 3.6.18: accessories/fan.js accessories/garageDoorOpener.js Downgrading to 3.6.18 can be a temporary workaround until it's fixed. This issue is also a duplicate of...
I'm not the developer of this plugin, nor I'm involved with it, I don't know (I'm not even using this plugin for emulate a garage door). Have you tried to...
ª would be useful also for Italian.
Has someone tried [vectronic/homebridge-nut](https://github.com/vectronic/homebridge-nut)?
And it seems to work fine - or at least it installs and configure fine, I still haven’t tested a blackout.
Right now I think that the only way to keep this plugin working is to stay on Node.js v10, Homebridge 0.4.53, and WiringPi 2.46. Otherwise, consider moving to [homebridge-rpi](https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-rpi).