npm-parrot-minidrone copied to clipboard
noble warning: unknown peripheral mambo parrot drone
Need some big help on this one. Have tried a good bit of things to correct this issue but feel more so like I'm doing a lot of guessing. I've checked every single issue article mentioning "unknown peripheral" and have attempted to try some of those things suggested but still no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction for fixing this error? Willing to try anything you give me.
The drone seems to connect and is just waiting for the final takeoff command before I get endless noble warnings for the same peripheralUuid.
Are you in a very noisy bluetooth environment or have many devices paired with your computer?
You may also want to try this patch which I have yet to merge:
Thanks so much for the quick response Chris. I’ll see about minimizing the Bluetooth noise and try that patch during my lunch break today. Will update with results. Thanks again.
So made the appropriate changes from the merge you shared with me. Still the same exact behavior. I'm a little new to node and javascript in general, but I did notice that in the Noble module, the part that's throwing the error in Binding.js is this:
`NobleBindings.prototype.write = function(peripheralUuid, serviceUuid, characteristicUuid, data, withoutResponse) { var handle = this._handles[peripheralUuid]; var gatt = this._gatts[handle];
if (gatt) { gatt.write(serviceUuid, characteristicUuid, data, withoutResponse); } else { console.warn('noble warning: unknown peripheral ' + peripheralUuid); } };`
I console logged gatt and saw that this is being populated with a ton of information, then at some point it changes to undefined, which then gives the unknown peripheral warning and just keeps doing so over and over. Any ideas about that?
Apologies if it's a little too general and might be outside of your scope (can check with the noble guy), if you have some guidance on how I can get you more relevant information let me know.
I mean. It says connected. The lights on the mambo stop blinking. Then it seems to be waiting for a command. Then I start getting the unknown peripheral error and the lights start blinking again. So it looks like it disconnects at some point. What might cause this?