FetchCord copied to clipboard
Several issues with detection and other things
Debug info
Please run fetchcord --debug
and send it here.
C:\Users\xdc20> fetchcord --debug
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/bin/bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
----GPU INFO----
gpuinfo: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/bin/bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
gpuvendor: NVIDIA
----CPU INFO----
cpuvendor: Intel
cpumodel: Intel i5
cpuinfo: CPU: Intel i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
cpuline item 0: ['CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz']
memline: Memory: 11.0GiB / 15.9GiB (69.27%)
----OS INFO----
sysosline: OS: Windows 10 Pro
sysosid: Windows10
diskline: Disk: C: 108.5GiB / 110.5GiB (98.16%)
Disk:D: 615.3GiB / 931.5GiB (66.06%)
Disk:F: 5.7MiB / 4.4GiB (0.13%)
Unknown DE/WM, contact us on github to resolve this.
Unknown Host, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unsupported Terminal. contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unknown Motherboard, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
moboid: unknown
moboline: Motherboard: MSI (B360M BAZOOKA (MS-7B24))
----GPU INFO----
gpuvendor: NVIDIA
----CPU INFO----
cpumodel: Intel i5
uptime in epoch: 1606999349.8399477
cpuid: 741949889465942099
cpuappid: 741099939198926920
('DEFAULT', <Section: DEFAULT>)
('cycle_0', <Section: cycle_0>)
('cycle_1', <Section: cycle_1>)
('cycle_2', <Section: cycle_2>)
('cycle_3', <Section: cycle_3>)
RPC Connection Successful.
If you are unable to run FetchCord please run neofetch --noart
(windows) or neofetch -- stdout
Operating system & way of installation
Please provide your operating system, and how you got FetchCord(AUR, github,pip) here
Your error or bug report goes in here.
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/bin/bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
Unknown DE/WM, contact us on github to resolve this.
Unknown Host, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unsupported Terminal. contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unknown Motherboard, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
('DEFAULT', <Section: DEFAULT>)
('cycle_0', <Section: cycle_0>)
('cycle_1', <Section: cycle_1>)
('cycle_2', <Section: cycle_2>)
('cycle_3', <Section: cycle_3>)
RPC Connection Successful.
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/bin/bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
----GPU INFO----
gpuinfo: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/bin/bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
gpuvendor: NVIDIA
----CPU INFO----
cpuvendor: Intel
cpumodel: Intel i5
cpuinfo: CPU: Intel i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
cpuline item 0: ['CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz']
memline: Memory: 11.0GiB / 15.9GiB (69.27%)
----OS INFO----
sysosline: OS: Windows 10 Pro
sysosid: Windows10
diskline: Disk: C: 108.5GiB / 110.5GiB (98.16%)
Disk:D: 615.3GiB / 931.5GiB (66.06%)
Disk:F: 5.7MiB / 4.4GiB (0.13%)
Unknown DE/WM, contact us on github to resolve this.
Unknown Host, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unsupported Terminal. contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
Unknown Motherboard, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
moboid: unknown
moboline: Motherboard: MSI (B360M BAZOOKA (MS-7B24))
----GPU INFO----
gpuvendor: NVIDIA
----CPU INFO----
cpumodel: Intel i5
uptime in epoch: 1606999349.8399477
cpuid: 741949889465942099
cpuappid: 741099939198926920
('DEFAULT', <Section: DEFAULT>)
('cycle_0', <Section: cycle_0>)
('cycle_1', <Section: cycle_1>)
('cycle_2', <Section: cycle_2>)
('cycle_3', <Section: cycle_3>)
RPC Connection Successful.
Yet it still detects my Motherboard???
Also, this happens:
Other notes(optional)
Other notes about the error/issue
Hi, what version of neofetch are you using ? (The one installed with scoop or the one from pip). Normally it shouldn't call nvidia-smi on windows, though I need to check if it was taken in consideration in 2.6 3 (i suppose you are running that on that one). So for the gpu part it should be fixed on 2.7 (it's on a separate branch , not released yet).
For the mobo detection part I'll do that tonight.
I'm using the latest one as of yesterday, neofetch-win, neofetch -v shows @BlivionIaG
Hi, have you tried again with the new release ?
Yes, but now fetchcord does not display motherboard AT ALL on the "Windows 10" rpc (Everything works on the Intel rpc though)
is this supposed to happen?
Still says unknown motherboard in console
Oh right, i knew i forgot something, i need to check for the MSI mobos, my bad
@BlivionIaG Also, this happens every once in a while.
Sorry, image didnt upload!
Wow, thats a new one ^^. I updated the json file in order to support MSI boards, normally you don't have to get the code from master, just do a fetchcord --update
does it work?
Will close the issue in a week
does it work?
I'll check tomorrow/later tonight