lan-mouse copied to clipboard
client unresponsive after screen goes to sleep
After both server & client's monitors turn off, due to power saving, the server will not reconnect to the client until I restart the service on the server. The machines do not suspend, only turn off the monitors.
- Arch (server - lan-mouse-git 0.7.3.r15.g36855a1a17-1)
- Fedora (client - 0.7.3)
- Both using wayland
port = 4242
hostname = "matt-laptop"
activate_on_startup = true
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop systemd[1040]: lan-mouse.service: Consumed 12.607s CPU time, 9.7M memory peak, 0B memory swap peak.
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop systemd[1040]: Started Lan Mouse.
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::config] using config: "/home/mdavis/.config/lan-mouse/config.toml"
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse] release bind: [KeyLeftCtrl, KeyLeftShift, KeyLeftMeta, KeyLeftAlt]
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse] Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Super to release the mouse
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::emulate] wayland backend not available: the requested global was not found in the registry
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::capture::libei] creating input capture session
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::capture] libei input capture not available: ZBus Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapt
ure” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::capture] using layer-shell input capture
May 06 11:13:00 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:00Z INFO lan_mouse::emulate::libei] requesting permission for input emulation
May 06 11:13:01 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:01Z INFO lan_mouse::emulate] libei not available: Portal request failed: org.freedesktop.zbus.Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such method
'ConnectToEIS' in interface 'org.freedesktop.impl.portal.RemoteDesktop' at object path '/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop' (signature 'osa{sv}')
May 06 11:13:01 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:01Z INFO lan_mouse::emulate::xdg_desktop_portal] requesting permission for input emulation
May 06 11:13:02 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:02Z INFO lan_mouse::emulate] using xdg-remote-desktop-portal input emulation
May 06 11:13:02 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:02Z INFO lan_mouse::server] running service
May 06 11:13:02 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:02Z INFO lan_mouse::dns] resolving matt-laptop ...
May 06 11:13:02 matt-desktop lan-mouse[140298]: [2024-05-06T15:13:02Z INFO lan_mouse::dns] matt-laptop: adding ip
May 06 11:37:34 matt-desktop systemd[1040]: Stopping Lan Mouse...
Which desktop environment are you using? I assume KDE from reading the logs?
You are correct. It's kde/plasma - 6.0.4 currently.