nest-keycloak-connect copied to clipboard
role doesn't match!
I'm using in multi-tenant mode with bearerOnly: true
I've registered the module like this:
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => ({
clientId: 'test',
secret: 'test',
authServerUrl: configService.get('KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URI'),
policyEnforcement: PolicyEnforcementMode.PERMISSIVE,
tokenValidation: TokenValidation.ONLINE,
bearerOnly: true,
multiTenant: {
realmResolver: (request) => {
return 'testTenant';
realmSecretResolver: (realm) => {
return 'mysecret';
inject: [ConfigService],
and providers:
providers: [
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: AuthGuard,
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: RoleGuard,
The log shows everything is correct but resources are denied due to mismatched role(s). The example controller:
@UseGuards(AuthGuard, RoleGuard)
export class CompanyController {
roles: ['admin'],
view(@Param('company') company: string) {
return `your company is : ${company}`;
The log shows:
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Using token validation method: ONLINE
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Authenticated User: {"exp":1662662924,"iat":1662662624,"jti":"13f4b99a-d5bb-4b5f-8fbd-2bffbbcc16ed","iss":"http://localhost:8080/realms/testrealm","aud":"account","sub":"ac10f640-535a-4658-8bcf-daac003e076c","typ":"Bearer","azp":"k","session_state":"66edf11e-e69b-42a9-a1cf-52988d5c9d51","acr":"1","realm_access":{"roles":["default-roles-testrealm","offline_access","admin","uma_authorization"]},"resource_access":{"account":{"roles":["manage-account","manage-account-links","view-profile"]}},"scope":"profile email","sid":"66edf11e-e69b-42a9-a1cf-52988d5c9d51","email_verified":true,"preferred_username":"[email protected]","given_name":"","family_name":"","email":"[email protected]"}
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Controller has no @Resource defined, request allowed due to policy enforcement
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Using matching mode: any
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Roles: ["admin"]
[Nest] 23435 - 09/08/2022, 11:13:53 PM VERBOSE [Keycloak] Resource denied due to mismatched role(s)
As you see "realm_access":{"roles":["default-roles-testrealm","offline_access","admin","uma_authorization"]}
But the role doesn't match.
Keycloak version: 19.0.1 NestJS core and common version: 9.0.0 nest-keycloak-connect version: 1.9.0
It seems to be realm role, try prefixing it with realm:
so it should be realm:admin
Closed due to no response. Just tell me if you had issues.
Having the same issue, any help? Thanks!
It seems to be realm role, try prefixing it with
so it should berealm:admin
Tried this, did not work..
For me worked:
- activated full scooped on the client that will issue the token
- create a User Realm Roles mapper with the token claim name "realm_access.roles" on the client that issue the token
- adding "realm:" to the name of the role that will be compared