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Better `os.arch()` for node and the browser -- detect OS architecture

Results 6 arch issues
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```js const {bitness} = await navigator.userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues(['bitness']); ``` See: - -

This also distinguishes whether x64 Node is running because we're actually on an Intel Mac or if it's just [Rosetta 2]( pretending to be one. If there's someone smarter than...

I have a CLI tool that installs different binaries depending on the system architecture, and it worked fine so far for Windows, macOS and Intel GNU/Linux, but when I tried...

help wanted

Just use environment variables `PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432`/`PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE` on win32 instead of checking paths. Closes #26. Bonus when running as x86: probably much faster and works with no IO access. Also ~10% smaller...

Hi, Hope you will be fine. I'm not sure how many people suggest this issue, (I think many people :). Honestly by adding this feature many packages wont work correctly,...