Fern Viridian
Fern Viridian
``` 8/28/2017 12:16:21 PM Skipped user interaction because Certbot doesn't appear to be running in a terminal. You should probably include --non-interactive or --force-interactive on the command line. ``` This...
In the docker-compose.yml, if tty:true and stdin_open:true are not both set, the service will hang before proceeding.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add cert from other Certificate Authority (Godaddy, Verisign) 2. Name cert in Rancher UI the same as domain used in Rancher-lets-encrypt (test.example.com) 3. Start Rancher-lets-encrypt service...
Currently workflow for testing is: 1. Build image on internal CI system 2. Push image to private registry 3. Pull image on testing rancher instance 4. Manually poking and prodding...