wasm-languages copied to clipboard
The Markdown text of the Fermyon Language Guide
The ruby tutorial was explicit about the directory structure including head-wasm32-unknown-wasi-full but did not mention renaming and moving of files so as to make it work with the toml file...
https://twitter.com/AssemblyScript/status/1561699214069047299?t=X3pOX5eW7WmZ8ehNIp2PsA&s=19 "A new week, a new major AssemblyScript version! Among general improvements, we have removed support for WASI and from now on consider WASI, derived proposals, the W3C's endorsement of...
The [AssemblyScript](https://www.fermyon.com/wasm-languages/assemblyscript) section in wasm-languages currently references `as-wasi`. We can go ahead and update these docs as per the following information. **[as-wasi](https://www.npmjs.com/package/as-wasi)** `as-wasi` is a third-party library that implemented WASI....
Add (or link to) a Contributing doc with, minimally, steps on how to complete DCO sign-off and GPG-signing commits. @radu-matei @technosophos do we have a canonical resource that we can...
First I want to thank you for putting out this programming language guide for Wasm and it helped me a lot to learn what PLs support WASI environment. When I...
The following languages need examples. (The guidelines for examples are in https://github.com/fermyon/wasm-languages/blob/main/about-examples.md) - [ ] JavaScript - [x] Python (Example here: https://www.fermyon.com/blog/python-wagi) - [x] C# (Based on https://github.com/SteveSandersonMS/dotnet-wasi-sdk) - [x]...
The following languages need to be updated to use the new `tpl.md` template: - [ ] TypeScript - [x] Ruby - [ ] R - [ ] Scala - [...
in webassembly-language-support.md HTTP 404
Forest functional programming language: https://github.com/forest-lang/forest-compiler