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Form validation for Vue.js 2.2+

Results 12 vue-form issues
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I'd like to have 3 validated inputs and have all their errors appear in the same place, after all the inputs. Minimal replication: Only one of the inputs is...

I was hoping to be able to set something like the following in the `options` to set classes on all the validation messages without having to set them on each...

Hi! A while back I was working on a custom component to wrap some validate functionality and I managed to get it working (see However, I'm now trying to...

We have a component that uses vue-form. The component can get new input data via properties. When new data is passed to the component, the this.formstate._reset is not changing the...

When changing custom validations, adding/removing functions will not trigger a re-calculation of the validators. I modified the shallowObjectDiff method to also take into account the addition/removal of new functions, instead...

Hi, So I have a very long form to create and i want to break it down into multiple parts like that: ```html ... Submit ``` Should I set my...

I've a form field which has invalid data keyed in from backend. On opening the form I put the valid data into the field,but it keeps giving me the invalid...

Hey, I've been looking around for a way to use this with a model that is an array of objects, eg. ``` model: [ { name: '' }, { name:...

I have been digging into this quite a bit trying to find the root cause, but have had no luck so far. For a while, I still thought it might...

Out of the box all the classes are prefixed with "vf". If someone wanted to change that prefix to some other namespace to provide a bit more separation, they'd currently...