Frank Dana

Results 362 comments of Frank Dana

Seems to me like you'd need more than just those parameters, then --- to accurately simulate the effects on the engine, you'd also need things like wheel diameter, drivetrain configuration......

@AlessandroGiusa How are you specifying your excludes? If you use _absolute_ paths, they shouldn't be modified by the function. TBH I always use `LCOV_ARGS "--no-external"`, and only use `EXCLUDE` for...

@AlessandroGiusa Hmmm. My only issue with this is that, if the `BASE_DIR` path isn't prepended to the exclude args, paths still can't be excluded by _relative_ path from the `BASE_DIR`......

I... have what I guess may be a stupid question, though I realize the original reporter isn't part of this discussion: Why not _**only**_ redirect stdout? The entire reason for...

If I'm reading the change correctly, this means that if someone were to run `fdupes -m ${dir}` after this patch, it would _still_ print all of the matches, though... correct?...

@gritsulyak Oh, it's _definitely_ not up to me, as I'm just another user. I suppose it's up to @adrianlopezroche . :grin: Rereading the code, I see what you mean about...

I don't pretend to fully understand this issue (either the causes or the proposed solutions), but is it the reason (or, related to the reason) why some clang64 packages are...

@ammaraskar I'm trying to understand how updating the image is considered a "breaking change"? For most users, the update won't break anything, they'll just get their docs built with a...

All that being said, my idea in #40 for how to offer `sphinxdoc/sphinx-latexpdf` as an optional image may work for this, as well. Something in `action.yml` like... ```yml inputs: sphinx4:...

@aferrero2707 Sorry for not responding to this sooner! > Do you have another GIMP GTK3 version on your system, from another source? If yes, is the layout correct in this...