system_information_school copied to clipboard
Build website using laravel as backend, vue js as front end and full request using api with middleware api passport.
System Information School
School information system is a useful website to facilitate school data collection. Built with laravel v.7.0, vue.js v.2.5.17, vue router v.3.3.4 and vuex v.3.4.0
For Link Demo
For account login with :
NIK = 11111111 & Password = password
Manual Setup
- Please configuration database for this projects. Change in .env.example to .env
- Move file image in folder public/image to folder storage/app/public/image
- php v.7 or later
composer install
php artisan application:install
If you want development you can keyword in cli
npm install
Start Serve
php artisan serve
- Administrator
- Admin
- Teacher
Frontend & Backend
- Admin Template Xoric
- Dashboards
- Passport API authentication
- CRUD school
- CRUD class
- CRUD study
- CRUD teacher
- CRUD student
- CRUD homeroom teacher
- CRUD task assessment
- CRUD report card
- Export excel in all tables
- Import excel in all tables
- Notes
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.