Fernando J. Chaure
Fernando J. Chaure
Sorry, I'm not used to seeing waveforms in that GUI, but it looks like the second unit in channel 6 is just detected noise with a bit of spikes from...
Just to show you, remember that just normal noise will generate fake "spikes" like the ones [here](https://twitter.com/FerJChaure/status/1326662016027811843).
You are right. At the beginning we did that because that was an easy way to implement the behaviour of the button (in the old wave_clus that button was useless)....
I added a line in the top of the "set parameters windows" explaining this behaviour
Hi In which format your data is saved? How do you call the function?
the call looks fine, has Data.mat a _data_ variable inside with the raw data ?
Wave_clus loads one file per channel (to use polytrodes follow the instructions on the wiki), you will have to separate that file in 16 files if you want to sort...
Hi Paul, cool I never saw that gui with waveclus results, that is really cool 1. How are you processing the channels? each individually, all together or by groups? you...
(1) Your pipeline looks fine, if the channels are good ~3.5 classes per channel doesn't sound so crazy . Maybe check the waveforms channel by channel just to see if...
Hi, 1. That's a bit odd. Are you loading from raw data or extracted spikes? 2. Try reducing par.template_sdnum to 2.5 The peak is quite small and it doesn't weigh...