Fernando J. Chaure
Fernando J. Chaure
About par.ref_ms, waveclus will search for a peak in the waveform for around half par.ref_ms. For that reason if the value is too small, it won't search for the peak...
> I was wondering how the times for each spike in the times_[filename].mat file are aligned? To the peak > Is it aligned on the spike peaks or could it...
Hi Pablo, I just remember this issue. And I guess your don't have the required toolbox with the Principal Component Analysis. [post edited]
Sorry I don't have a proper solution for your answer. Any metric used for checking that type of thing will depend on the recording setup. For example you could detect...
Perfect, nice sampling rate
These are tricky questions, I will give you my opinions for the time being. I'm currently looking for nice metrics as well. > Which metric would be proper to use...
Hi Matteo, > i) I always have high isolated and compact clusters but with a high percentage of ISI < 3 ms. This means that there may be multiple neurons...
Low is close to the threshold, you can see this more or less when the mean waveform (black line) is close to the minimum value of the spikes in this...
Personally I always visually check that the std in each sample is more or less constant. Especially when the waveform amplitude has a low absolute value (you could expect more...
I can't say, too much noise in the recording. Can you try in a highest threshold?